King's Business - 1921-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

mercies of David, namely, God’s fa­ vor, and th e One who opens the doors of opportunity and no man can sh u t them . This' church has th e prom ise of .being k ep t out of the hour of tria l, the g reat tribulation, which will come up­ on all th e world to try those th a t dwell upon the earth. Laodicea means prob- _ ably “ the ru le of th e people.” I t is called a lukewarm church. Lukewarm water- is cold w ater, into which a little ho t w ater has been poured. This makes a nauseating liquid. Jesus reveals Him­ self tow ard th is church as th e final benediction, th e Amen, the F aith fu l and T rue W itness and th e Beginning of th e Creation of God. You will have noticed th a t Jesus re­ veals H imself to these different church­ es in ju s t th e way in which they need Him. Here th e warm ones need to be encouraged to w itness in th e m idst of th is cold mass. I t is a wealthy God­ less church, Christ is outside, and it takes courage to live openly for Him in th is kind of an atmosphere. Neverthe­ less, Christ makes an individual prom­ ise to each individual member of this church th a t He will come in and make His abode w ith all who will open th e h e a rt’s door and let Him in. Jesú s’ a ttitu d e tow ard each phase of church-life also corresponds to His a t­ titu d e tow ard each individual Christian. If we are lukewarm Christians, or brotherly-love Christians, or dead Christians, or worldly Christians, Jesu s’ a ttitu d e tow ard us is th e same as to­ ward these churches. But each church epistle seems to set fo rth a g reat period of church history. The first one hundred years of the church, during th e days of th e apostles was a first-love period and corresponds to Ephesus. The next 200 years was a tim e of g reat persecution and is represented by Smyrna. Beaumont says “The first persecution was under the Emperor

side "first-love” churches and th e re­ fore lose th e promised reward. Smyrna means “ bruised m y rrh .” How ap­ prop riate th is meaning is when we re­ member th a t Smyrna was a persecuted church. Thus, ju st as th e more one crushes myrrh, th e g reater th e perfume, so th e more a Christian is persecuted, th e g reater the fragrance his life hears up to God. The Smyrna and Philadel­ phia churches.are th e only two th a t are not rebuked for something. Pergamos means “m arriage” and sets fo rth a church th a t is m arried to th e world. Christ reveals H imself to th a t church as the One w ith a two-edged sword to cut asunder th a t illegitim ate alliance. T hyatira means ^’daugh ter,” as if the offspring of th e union of church and sta te would be a daughter of idolatry. F o r here th e woman Jezebel is a proph­ etess and teaches fornication and to sacrifice to idols. Jesus reveals Him­ self to th a t church as th e all-powerful Son of God, who has eyes as a flame of fire and feet like fine brass. Eyes are a symbol of searching, and brass is a symbol of judgment. He will search out th e ir iniquity and judge th e ir sin. Sardis means “ a chosen few” or a remnant. It is said of this church th a t they had a life to live and were dead. While th e g reater p a rt were dead, th e re were a few, a rem nant, who had not defiled th eir garm ents; they would walk w ith Christ in white. There are many Sardis churches today— churches w ith orthodox preaching, b u t dead— ju st a few in th is dead mass th a t have a little activity. Philadelphia means “ brotherly love.” It is a company of w arm -hearted be­ lievers filled w ith love for souls. An open door of opportunity was placed before th is church, and they were spreading th e gospel on every hand. I t was a m issionary church. No re­ buke is given th is church, bu t Christ reveals H imself to it as One th a t is T rue and F aith fu l; One th a t hag the

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