King's Business - 1921-10



to believe, and who talk s about science and philosophy as standard s by which to m easure a revelation from the infi­ n ite God, puts him self in th e unen­ viable a ttitu d e of claim ing to be, not only w iser th a n the man P aul who w rote fourteen of th e epistles of the New Testam ent, bu t wiser, b etter in­ formed, or more honest th an th e Son of God Himself. Such an a ttitu d e on th e p art of any theologian or religious in stitu tion ought to be sufficient to declass each and make th e one un­ worthy to be heard and th e other to be attended. If th e re be a choice be­ tween P au l and th e modern religious critic, let the critic, w ith his vanity, his vaunted shibboleth, “ scholarship is a- greed,” and his next door neighbour­ ship to excuseiess infidelity and actual blasphemy, be set aside; as for those who, while professing to be th e m inis­ ters of Christ, deny th e virgin birth, p u t a stain upon th e mother of the Lord, make Him not only a bastard, bu t a merely n atu ra l person, and thu s denying Him as th e Second person of th e blessed T rinity, repud iate th e whole foundation of Christianity, let it be remembered th a t th e Scriptures fore­ w arn of such, calling them “ false teach­ ers,” th e ir doctrine, “ damnable h ere­ sies,” and themselves deniers of th e Lord who bought them . (2 Pet. 2:1, 2 .)— W l A BIBLE REVIVAL


“ I B E L I E V E ”


Bÿ Or. I. M . Haldeman



ERE aT6 th e words of the Apostle P aul (Acts 2 4 :1 4 ), “ I believe all things which are w ritten in the law and th e

prophets.” The “ law and th e prophets” signify th e Old T estam ent from Genesis to Malachi. These were th e S criptures of Israel. P au l believed in them. He believed “ all th ing s” w ritten therein. (Acts 26:22; Acts 28:23.) Our Lord before him testified to His faith in the Old Testam ent. He de­ clared th ey bo ra w itness to Him. (Luke 24:27, 44; John 6:39 .) He especially verified the P en tateuch as w ritten by Moses, and verified Moses as a personal and historic fact. (John 5:45-47.). Again and again He affirmed th e historicity of Moses. (Matt. 19:8; Matt. 23 :2 ; Mark 1 0 :3 ; Luke 20:37; John 6 :32 ; John 7:19, 22, 23.) W hat spectacle then is th is for th e higher critic and the would-be wise men of some of our theological sem ina­ ries to contemplate! The spectacle of P au l th e Apostle standing for th e Old Testam ent, believing all th ing s w ritten therein, the m iracles as well as th e m orals; and back of him , rising au­ tho ritatively into view, th e eternal Son of God, endorsing Moses as a fac t and no t a fiction, and th e Old Testam ent from beginning to end as the inspired w itness to Himself, and H imself as the only key to unlock its treasures, • The wise theologian of tod ay s, the exceedingly b righ t professor who ex­ purgates a g reat portion of th e Old T estam ent of the things which he has n eith er th e inclination nor the genius

T was a firm conviction of the late Charles M. Alexander th a t a g rea t Bible Revival was one of th e crying needs of the

world today. One of th e last things he did during his final visit to America was to help in th e preparation of a Call for Local and world-wide Bible Revival, which was signed by more th a n a score of prom inent Christian leaders of the United States. The call was for th e churches every-

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