King's Business - 1921-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

where to un ite w ith The Pocket Testa­ m ent league in promoting th e reading and carrying and distribu tion of God’s Word, th a t th ere may be brought to pass " a world-wide Bible Revival th a t will reach and influence God-ward all races and peoples even to th e u tterm o st parts of th e e a rth .” Mr. Alexander fu rth e r felt th a t the w riter, as In tern ation al Secretary of The Pocket Testam ent League, should be free for th ree years to go here and th e re th roughou t th e world, where- ever th e Lord m ight lead, endeavoring to promote local and world-wide Bible Revival. A t the close of one y ear’s work In America the w riter has received a call to A ustralia for Bible Revival Cam­ paigns (which are now in progress in A u stralia). The Bible Revival p arty includes Dr. George C. Cossar; Miss B erth a Beebe; Mrs. E. A. R. Davis; and th e w riter. Dr. Cossar is a Scotchman who has al­ ready sen t ou t over 700,000 gospels in various languages. F o r bravery on the battle-field, during th e world-war, he was personally decorated w ith th e Mili­ ta ry Cross by K ing George. He is mak­ ing th e journey of 13,000 miles to Australia, a t his own expense, to help to bring Bible Revival to the land of th e Southern Cross. Miss Beebe is a school teacher who was previously prevented from going to th e mission field. She is making the to u r as a companion to Mrs. Davis and to help In th e work. Mrs. Davis, the m other of the w riter, is 85 years of age, but young in spirit. Since passing three-score and ten years the Lord has carried h er practically twice around the world. If A ustralia and Mission Fields are to be m ightily moved for God, and if we are to w itness world-wide Bible Revival, th e re m ust be a m ighty volume of be­ lieving prayer back of th e work and th e workers.

Please pray for Bible and Holy Ghost Revival in A ustralia and th e Mission Fields visited.— Geo. T. B. Davis. m i&r THE SOLE SIN REMOVER A t the P arliam en t of Religions, con­ vened in Chicago in connection w ith the Columbia Exposition, one incident oc­ curred which sent a peculiar th rill through every listen er in th e g reat auditorium . All O riental religions were represented by th e ir most subtle and fluent exponents. Joseph Cook of Boston was selected to rep resen t and present th e Christian doctrine. A fter all humanly devised cults had been pre­ sented by th e ir ablest defenders, Mr. Cook stepped to th e fron t and said, “H ere is Lady Macbeth’s hand. There are blood stains upon it; th e blood of th e foully m urdered K ing Duncan. See h er peram bulating th e d ark corri­ dors of th e dismal castle by candle­ light. She pauses a t intervals to ex­ am ine h er blood-smeared hand, She rubs it betimes exclaiming: ‘Out damned spot! Out! O u t!’ B u t th e stain remains. Then she soliloquizes th u s:— ‘Can all the perfumes of Arabia ever sweeten th is red hand? No! No!! N o !!!’ ” Mr. Cook th en challenged any religious exponent present to state w hat cleansing efficacy was to be found in th e religions they were so anxious to propagate and th ere was no response. The fatalism of Mohammedanism has nothing to offer. The mysticism of Buddhism cannot touch sin except through countless m igrations of soul, and a t th e end of it a ll:—Absorption— and into what? The religion th a t can remove sin is th e only religion worthy of propagation, and th is th e Blood of Christ has done, is still doing; and will yet do. A trip le deliverance is offered to all men. Deliverance from th e guilt; the power and th e love of sin. Grasp th e words: ALL SIN. T. Baird.

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