King's Business - 1921-10

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


w iser for us to discuss th e program , determ ine th e policy and define th e pur­ pose before we pu t th e scepter into th e ir hands? We have come to Shechem! W hat has ou r. educational Rehoboam to say to th e servants of the King? Our wise men of the past bu ilt for us schools m eant to conserve our de­ nom inational principles, teachings and convictions and to provide for us a leadership comm itted to th e propaga­ tion of these things in the world. These sons of our educational Solomons w ith insolent effrontery claim th eir rig h t to th e royal succession in privilege w ith­ ou t responsibility to th e people they serve, eith er to th e men who invested th e ir money, th e ir lives and th eir labors in building, or th e B aptist con­ stituency which has en tru sted to them the train ing of its youth for leadership. They lay upon us burdens g reater than we have borne. They demand of us service and support beyond w hat we have given. They th rea ten us w ith flagellations of denom inational scorn and contumely if disobedient to th eir mandates. They deny to us any re­ dress. Our answer is, w hat have we to do w ith th is new ty ra n t of modernism? W hat p a rt have we in th is new dynasty of ration alistic intellectualism ? To you r ten ts, O Israel! F o r myself I can neither give my money nor my moral assent to such a program . Nor can I ask my church to co-operate by its gifts or its sympathies w ith such an educational policy as now afflicts us. F o r when modernism has completed its capture of th e schools it will make sh o rt work of the opposition in pulpits and mission stations. Where ■is the faith of th e fathers?


¡ “To Tour Tents, | | OK Israel!” p Bj) Dr. J. C . Massee



aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiinimiíiiiiiiiíiiiriiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiHiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHii!^ Y m inister who goes of one of the theological ols and enters th e min- T is required before a coun­ cil of his b reth ren to make a satisfac­ to ry statem en t of belief. He is required to give evidence of the experience of re­ generation in his own life. He must declare the character and reality of his conviction of a call to th e m inistry and state w hat he believes about th e Bible and the g reat fundam ental doctrines set fo rth therein. It is a reasonable sup­ position and a known fact th a t th e opinions and convictions of students are largely moulded, often created, by th e ir teachers. If these young m inisters are to be* examined as to w hat th ey believe before we consent to th e ir ordination, is it unreasonable to requ ire the men who teach them th rough th e six or eight formative years of th e ir intellectual train ing to te ll us beforehand what they believe and w hat they will teach our youth— our fu tu re leaders— to be­ lieve? How much longer shall we consent to tread the path of confusion, th e way of chaos? How much fu rth e r shall we go in the erection of an educational fund embracing approximately one-third of all our solicited gifts for th e enlarge­ m ent of our work when we know full well th a t th e policy and program pu r­ posed to be perpetuated by th e men in control of our denom inational schools and educational boards is so filled w ith danger, so open to suspicion? Dare we first entrench them behind such an en­ dowment as is proposed and then talk policy, then discuss program ? Is it not

You do not test the resources of God until you try the impossible.

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