King's Business - 1921-10

| Q BIBLE IN ST ITUTE HA P PEN ING S Particularly of Interest to Friends and Students c i

gave, by request, a special address on th e secret of a successful Sunday School, and he speaks as one having .authority for he has w ithin a few years built up his Sunday School from a couple of hundred to over six thousand. Both Dr. Myers and Dr. Chafer brought strong, virile messages calcu­ lated to build up th e saints in th e faith, increase th eir devotion and deepen th e ir sp iritu al life. It is in teresting to note th a t visitors to th e Conference y e re registered from seventeen states of th e Union, and five foreign countries. The g reater num ­ ber of those attending, natu rally , were from Southern California, forty th ree towns being thu s represented. J. W. Rodm an ’20 w rites from L a V ic­ toria, V en ezu ela: “It is ju st eig h t m on th s tod ay sin ce, w ith four others, I arrived on th e field. T h ey h ave been m on th s of th e Lord’s p resen ce and d a ily support. The Lord is op en in g un to u s a wide, field. S everal c itie s and tow n s are a sk in g for G ospel w o rk ers . . . M ost o f th ese are s till g o in g u n an sw ered a s B rother F in strom , th e p ion eer in th is field, is s till p ra ctica lly alon e, w ith th e ex cep tio n of three n a tiv e w o rk ers w h o h ave ch arge of th eir resp ectiv e sta tio n s. W e n ew com ers are ju st b eg in n in g to sp ea k p u b licly w ith ­ o u t in terp reta tio n . . . L a tely sev era l h ave com e ou t v ery d efin itely for the Lord and sev era l oth ers are m uch co n ­ cerned about the sa lv a tio n of th eir souls, w h ile m any are in terested bu t dare not ex p o se th em selv es to th e stigm a of b ein g ca lled a ‘P ro testa n t’.” C harles H. W eir w a s ordained an ev a n ­ g e lis t b y T he W h osoever W ill M ission Church, L os A n g eles, C alif., on Jun e 19, 1921. F red Groth is in Sunday School w ork fo r th e P resb y teria n B oard and h as ch a rg e of th e W en atch ee P resb ytery, W ash in gton . The fo llo w in g is ta k en from The “A l­ lia n ce W eek ly :” “On Sunday, J u ly 10, a cab le from E cuador brou gh t th e sad n ew s o f th e death of Mr. G eorge L eF ev re from an a tta ck of typ h oid fev er in E cuador. M ay God com fort th e bereaved lo v ed ones, and g ra n t a fresh a n o in tin g to each w o rk ­ er in th e fields w h ich h ave lo st efficient co -la b o rers th ro u g h th e d eath of three

THE JULY BJLBLE COJNEEKEINUE HE Annual ' Summer Bible Conference held a t the Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles dur­ ing th e month of July, was one of th e most successful ever held here. The morning sessions w ere-in charge of th e Bible Women’s Department, under th e direction of Mrs. Lyman Stewart, Superintendent of th e Bible Women’s work. The speakers tak ing p art are all of them splendid Bible teachers, and attracted large audiences every morning from 10.00 to 12.00 o’clock,—-many men as well as women availing themselves of th e unusual priv­ ilege. The addresses a t th e afternoon and evening services were w ithout excep­ tion exceedingly practical, profitable and inspirational. It is a m atter of g reat in te rest to be able to say th a t in Southern' Cali­ fo rn ia we have, over th irty prom inent pastors and Bible teachers, rep resen t­ ing such denom inations as th e Presby­ terian, Baptist, Methodist, United P res­ byterian, B rethren, Missionary Alliance, etc., every man of whom 'stand s four square for th e g reat fundam entals of the Word of God, all of th em com­ petent for Bible preaching or evangel­ istic work anywhere. All of these men (except such as were unable to arrange their dates satisfactorily) were rep re­ sented on the Conference program . The th ree speakers from “ the' regions beyond’’ were Dr. Cortland Myers, form erly pastor of T remont Temple, Boston;' Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer, of E ast Orange, N. J., and Rev. J. F ra n k Norris, pastor of th e F irs t Baptist Church, F t. W orth, Texas. Dr. Norris

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