King's Business - 1921-10

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


read, and now he desires to establish a church also. He says th a t every Sunday he will send some men from his tribe to th e neighboring tribes to tell them of Jesus so th a t all th e tribes may hear. A t the tim e Mr. Cheng wrote, th is Yao tribe was in th e throes of a severe famine. Their crops had failed for two years in succession, one year from drought, the next year because of ex­ cessive rain, and th e people were living on grass, weeds, the b ark of trees and any ro o ts 'th e y could find. Conditions were terrible. If only some Christian Chinese could be induced to go to them and teach them th e different trades, and th e Chinese language, so th a t they would not be dependent on one single source of income, and on unscrupulous in terp reters in th e ir bu sin ess, transac­ tions. Let us p ray earnestly th a t God may bring this about, and also th a t He may open some way for us to help them in th is imm ediate crisis. W h at one Gospel P o ster did This morning a m issionary was tell­ ing me how one evening he was stand­ ing in a retired place and a man came w alking along w ith his head turned the o ther way so th a t he did not see the missionary, and as he walked he was rep eating over and over to himself the verse of Scripture he had ju st read on a Gospel Poster. May th e precious words cut themselves rig h t into his h ea rt and lead him ou t into th e full ligh t as they have many others. A short tim e ago we had a most in terest­ ing le tte r from a man telling us of his conversion and the resu lts th a t follow­ ed.^ Mr. Tseng was an earnest vege­ tarian , had been for many years, but all h is self-denial and ido latry had brought him no peace, the burden of sin oppressed him. One day he read one of our Gospel Posters. The title was, “The Burden of Sin Can Be Cast Oft.” He read th e text of Scripture, and th e following invitation to go to a Gospel H all and learn more about it. This was his g reat problem , how to get rid of sin. I t weighed more and more heavily. At last he accepted th e invita­ tion, went into th e city and to the Gospel Hall and asked for more light as to how “The burden of sin can be cast off.” He was led to faith in Jesus Christ and a t once began to work for others. At first his mother opposed but finally she accepted of Jesus as her Saviour. Two years la ter he won his fath e r and he too was baptized, then

M r. C heng world,” to India, to Africa, to China, yes, and to those poor, ignorant Yao away up in the mountains of China, and to the Miao and the Lisu and th e many o ther tribes as well, “ GO,” not w ait for them to come b u t “GO.” 'Are we do­ ing our utm ost to go to them? The Yao chief could speak Chinese and so our evangelists could speak to him and God quickly blessed th e ir mes­ sages and brought him to Himself. Oh how wonderfully He opens doors and prepares the way for the work He w ants us to do. This Yao chief, hav­ ing1been saved himself, eagerly desired to have his en tire trib e hear and be­ lieve, and so day afte r day he either w ent himself w ith our evangelists or sept some o ther in te rp re ters so th a t all m ight hear and have an opportunity to believe. The chief is a man who really loves his people and earnestly desires th e very best for them. His son has been educated and has opened a school for th e people th a t they m ight learn to

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