King's Business - 1921-10

T H E K I N G ’ S



ing of th e increase through b irth ; at least th is has been th e story for th e la st dozen years, and while foreign im­ m igration has fallen off a t th e present because of the war, it will come, unless restricted , in as vigorous a fashion as ever, now th a t th e w ar is over. Then remember th a t less th a n 500,000 have been won to Christ by our P ro testan t churches on th e a v e ra g e ' for a large number of years, viz., about one-half of one black square, while an additional 200,000 per year represents the gain made by th e Catholic church, and then te ll me as a simple problem in m athe­ matics how long a t th is ra te it is going to ta k e . us to evangelize th e United States. In view of th is and many tim es as much which could be said, I am sure th a t no man could be charged w ith ex­ travagance if he were to say th a t the importance, of a though tfu l and tho r­ ough evangelism for th is day cannot be overestimated, and th a t every form of effective and legitim ate evangelistic work should be encouraged and have th e h eartiest approval and co-operation of every Christian and especially of every m inister in th is land.— Bieder- wolf, in his new book “Evangelism .” FOOLISH FRETTING John Wesley preached on an aver­ age, fifteen sermons a week. Instead of b reaking down under it, when seventy-three years old he w rites th a t he w as fa r abler to preach th an when th ree and twenty. H is brow was then smooth, his complexion ruddy, an d his voice strong and clear, so th a t an audi­ ence of th irty thousand could hear him w ithout difficulty. This vigor h e as­ cribes to continual travel, early rising, good sleep, and an even temper. "I feel an d grieve; but, by th e grace of God, I f re t a t nothing.” ate ate

came two b ro th ers and in F eb ru ary of th is year his wife was baptized also. There are seventeen peo'ple in his fam ­ ily, seven of them have already accepted of Jesus, th e other ten are inquirers and are earnestly studying the Gospel and Mr. Tseng him self is an active and valued elder in th e church. All this blessed fru itage from one of th e Gospel Posters pasted up on a wall by a mem­ ber of one of our Biola Evangelistic Bands, so th a t long afte r the band has gone on to other fields the Word is still proclaimed silently bu t w ith power, even th e power of God unto salvation. Most tru ly yours in Him, FRANK A. KELLER, Changsha, Hunan, Ju ly 9, 1921: ' Me, ate ate THOUGHTFUL EVANGELISM th ree different times along the way how far it was to th e ir destination and being told each tim e th a t it was about six m iles; one of them tu rn ed to th e other and said, “Well, begorra, we’re holdin’ our own, anyhow .” Do you know th a t all our churches have been making for th e past ten or fifteen or tw enty years less th an th ree ■per cent of a n et gain in th eir member­ ship? Now w hat does th is mean from the standpoint of population? Let me draw for you an imaginary ch art of 100 black squares, each square representing 1, 000,000 people, and you will have th e population of th e United States. Now pain t 24 pf these squares white and form a cross out of them in the m iddle of th e ch art and you will have th e membership of th e Roman Catholic church of th is land. This leaves 61 of the squares black and still unevangelized. Now b ear in mind th a t a black square of new m aterial (1,000,000 souls) is being added every year by imm igration alone, to say noth­ HE story is told by Charles Stelzle of a couple of Irish ­ men travelling tow ard a cer­ tain town and inqu iring at

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