T H E K I N G ’ S
Boarding the Big Boats with the Gospel Message
say, “Join yourself to this man,” and of course the man put aside his book and listened to the message. H e was a Cath olic and very ignorant of the Word, but really open and frank, and apparent ly disappointed in the teachings of the Roman priests. The message was readily received and finally the Lord led him to accept salvation as a free gift. Two very happy workers climbed down th at ladder to the Gospel Launch and sped away to shore. Do not forget to pray for th e work and workers and the seed • sown; also for guidance and help from Him day by day until the day shall break and the shad ows flee away. M isk BIOLA HALL WORK David Cant, Supt. » HE first sight we had of a cer- ee S tain lad was one day last Ejlj5j|S!| week, as he stood outside Biola Hall, looking a t our chart with ” a dull, vacant gaze. He was a young man in th e early twenties with delicate, refined features, well-dressed and well educated, but hopelessly lost in the city of the angels. Despair and de spondency in his voice, crazed and mad dened by recent terrible experiences, he was on the point of ending it all by cut ting his throat. Incapable of being rea soned with, he needed some one to take possession of him, so we brought him in and made him lie down; then the story came out in wild, distorted, disjointed
H e Saves an d Keeps Another man who was deeply under conviction of sin, after hearing the mes sage, had great difficulty in seeing that if saved th a t night, he could count on God’s faithfulness to keep him. He ac cepted Christ, but was wondering if in later years he might he lost. Again and again Satan seemed to try him and make him feel th a t he must try to do th e best he could and th a t by so doing he would be saved. It took patient and careful study of the Word w ith him to bring him into the light, bu t he finally saw that Christ was the Author and Finisher of our faith. He seemed very bright and happy after he accepted Christ and then was helped with th e Word. H e P rep ares th e H earts One day a vessel coming into the har bor stayed out a t anchor. The Gospel Launch was again the means of bring ing the worker and another servant of the Lord alongside the big vessel. Board ing the ship was not easy, for it took a long, steep climb on a swinging rope ladder to get on deck. The Lord had h earts prepared and the first man reach ed by the worker’s helper was brought to the Lord right on deck after having been dealt with in plain view of many of the crew. H e listened intently and was shown the way of life through faith in Christ. The worker, leaving this new con v ert w ith his fellow worker, went through the whole ship and had the priv ilege of seeing many of the men. Fin ally he was led to speak to a man read ing in his berth. The Spirit seemed bo
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