King's Business - 1921-10

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


on one of the downtown corners, when the man who had left so hurriedly came up to him and said, “I wish you would dome home with me and speak to my wife and me about th a t tract.” The invita­ tion was accepted and after dinner was over, they gathered in the parlour for the talk. A T ransform ed Home It wasn’t long before both husband and wife wanted to accept the Lord Jesus as a personal Saviour. Instructing them in how to make this life count, the work­ er was led to say, "S tart in the home” and with the Bible in hand, he first read and then they all prayed. While kneel­ ing there, the boy, who was but thirteen years old, came to his mother crying and said, “Mother, why can’t I be a Christ­ ian?” Answering his question, the work­ er led him to Christ also, and then as they knelt there, there was not only re­ joicing in the home, but great rejoicing in Heaven over the three who had come to the Lord Jesus Christ. Since then the worker has called there two or three times and has been made to feel th a t “his labour was not in vain in the Lord.” This is the kind of work we are doing—so we ask you to pray for we believe that When* you know—you care, When you care—you pray, When you pray—you give. , God help us to be faithful in this work till Jesus comes. ■$¡4. a s JEWISH WORK Jam es A. Vans, Supt. H OD has planned th a t those Jews, who through the witness of Moses, the prophets, the apostles or the saints, have come to believe in Jesus Christ as the Redeemer long-promised to Israel, should in turn become w itnesses for the spread of the Gospel. The following story is an illustration of this fact. A Jewish sailor lad of about nineteen years of age came to see the writer. He had but recently been discharged from the United States Navy. Through some •over-sight, transportation to his home town, which it is customary to provide, had been omitted in his case. While he waited for the government to adjust his claim he became acquainted with a Mr. -— •----—, one of our recent converts, whose conversion was reported in last month’s King’s Business.

This young man has, since his conver­ sion, been diligently seeking the conver­ sion of his Jewish brethren, and on meet­ ing the sailor lad, he lost no time in tell­ ing of his own experience; how he, a Jew, came to believe in “Him whom the Nation abhorreth.” Then, as best he could, he reasoned w ith the- sailor con­ cerning salvation, and on leaving him urged him to go and see the Superinten­ dent of the Jewish work. He came with the request th a t we assist him in finding work th a t would last until his claim with the government should be adjusted. God F irs t “GOD FIRST” as in Matthew 6 was pointed out as the way to solve not only the employment problem but the far weightier m atters of life, death and judg­ ment. His people had not been very strict in the observance of Judaism and so he had little if any prejudice against Christianity; in fact, quite the contrary was true. He had a favorable impres­ sion of it, and he had even considered becoming a Christian himself. As the conversation proceeded, a look of deter­ mination came into his face, as though he was deciding a g reat issue, and so he was, for after he had put away his first impulse to hurry away from the room and the very personal conversation, he became deeply interested and took liter­ ally the worker’s advice not to leave un­ til the great question of his soul’s salva­ tion was settled and settled right. A fter his emphatic “I will accept Jesus Christ as my Saviour,” he was shown th a t on condition of faith in Christ as his substitute sacrifice for his sins he now had forgiveness of sins and eternal life. The assurance was given th a t now, having put God first, he could be certain th at God would provide the needed work, and so He did, for before night came the work was secured. His happy face gives abundant testimony to the changed life. He is eagerly looking forward to the next Hebrew-Christian meeting.

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