King's Business - 1921-10

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


of the living God; as God hath said, I dwell in them , and walk In them ; and I will be th e ir God, and they shall he my people.” 2 Cor. 6:16. husbandry.” 1 Cor. 3:9. 6. B U I L D I N G . “Ye are God’s building.” 1 Cor. 3:9. 7. BRANCHES. “ I am the tru e vine, ye are th e branches.” Jno. 15:5. C. E. Paxson. SEVENFOLD VIEW OF CHRIST AS THE— 1. Sower.(Matt. 13:3-9, 18-23.) The Seed and the Soil. (Lk. 8: . 15.) 2. Saviour. (Lk. 19:10; Matt. 27: 42.) The Salvation. He died to save and He lives to save. 3. Shepherd. (Jno. 10; Heb. 13;' 1 P et. 5 :4 .) The Sheep. Good Shepherd, G reat Shepherd, Chief Shepherd. 4. Substitute. (1 Pet. 2:24.) The Sinner. 5. Sufferer. (1 Pet. 3:18.) The Sins. 6. Star. (2 Pet. 1:19; Rev. 22:16.) The Sure word, His Coming. 7. Sun.(Malachi 4:2.) The Sunshine, His Kingdom. John Meek. PRAYER SHOULD BE P ersisten t................... 1 Thess. 5:17 R egular............. Psalm 55:17 A 11-inclusive............ ............ Phil, 4:6 Y ielding............... Mark 14:36 E a rn e st............................... . Eph. 6:18 R igh t sp irit..................... Mark 11:25 F. S. Shepard. FOUR BIBLE PLEAS 1. O, ta ste and see th a t th e Lord is good. Ps. 34:8. 2. O, fear th e Lord, ye His saints. Ps. 34:9. 3. O, love th e Lord, ye His saints. Ps. 31:23. 5. HUSBANDRY. “Ye are God’s

4. O, magnify th e Lord w ith me. Ps. 34:3. K. L. B. THE PRESENCE, PURPOSE AND PROVINCE OF SPIRITUAL POWER Acts 1:8.— 1. The promise of Power. “ Ye .shall receive Power.” (See Luke 24:49; Jno. 14:16.) 2. The Person of this Power. “A fter th a t the Holy Ghost is come upon you.” 3. The Presence of th is Power per­ sonally. “Ye shall be w itnesses” (th ru this power) ■4. The Purpose of th is Power. “Ye shall be w itnesses unto Me.” 5. The Province of th e extension and use of th is Power. “ In Jerusalem , and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the u tte r­ most p arts of th e e a rth .” By Joseph T. Larsen. F IVE WHOSOEVERS IN JOHN 1. Whosoever of Condemnation. Jno. 8:34. 2. Whosoever of Conversion. Jno. 3: 16. 3. Whosoever of Consecration. Jno. 4:13, 14. 4. Whosoever of Clearness. Jno. 12: 46. 5. Whosoever of Comfort. Jno. 11 • 25, 26. K. L. B. “HOPE FOR THE CRIPPLED WORLD.” Acts 8 :4 . 1. The Lame Man. W. A. Bennett. RULES W ITH REGARD TO GIVING. 2 Cor. 1. The beginning of giving—Myself (chap. 8 :5 ). 2. The reason for giving— Grace (chap. 8:6, 7). 3. The motive of giving— Love (chap 8 :7 ). 2. The Looking Man. 3. The Leaping Man.

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