King's Business - 1921-10

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YOUNG PEOPLE’S NUMBER EMEMBER now th y C reator in th e days of th y youth, while th e evil days come not, n o r th e years draw nigh when th o u sh a lt say, I have no pleas­ u re in them .” (Eccl. 12:1.) “The fea r of th e Lord is th e beginning of wisdom; an d th e knowledge of th e Holy is understand ing .” (Prov. 9 :10 .) “H ear thou, my son, and be wise, and guide th in e h e a rt in th e way.” (Prov. 23 :19 .) “Remove n o t th e old landm ark ; an d en ter no t in to th e fields of th e fath erless.” (Prov. 23 :10 .) “W ithhold n o t correction from th e child; fo r if thou b eatest him w ith th e rod, he shall n o t die. Thou sh a lt b eat him w ith th e rod, and deliver h is soul from hell. My son, if th in e h e a rt be wise, my h e a rt shall rejoice, even m ine.” “Chasten thy son while th e re is hope, and le t n o t th y soul spare fo r his crying.” “There is a way th a t seemeth rig h t un to a m an, b u t th e end thereo f are th e ways of d eath .” MAKING MEN GO TO CHURCH How? Compel them by law? No. Quoting the Ten Commandments •to them? No. Telling them that they ought to set a good example to the boys? -No. Putting in a smoking room? No. Installing a pool table? No. Introducing moving pictures? No. (The church always plays a poor game along this line and men know it.) Tell a man he will he sorry in the next world? No. ' _ How then? By making them want to go. How do you get men to go to a ball game ? By having a good game. How do you get them to accept a dinner invitation? By assuring them of a good dinner. Men are tremendously human. They have reasoning powers. They have hungry hearts. When they go to church they do not go to be enter­ tained. There never was a more foolishly false notion than that. Men want to know the truth and want to be told the truth. Of course there are exceptions,—brainless, effeminate, wishy-washy men,-“ -but we are not thinking of that class. We are thinking of real men —the average man—as we have known him. A real man wants all the cards on the table, face upwards. He believes in calling a spade a spade. Up in the city of St. Paul men used to say, “ Go and hear that big-nosed preacher. He has the dope.” (That was Dr. J. R. Breed). Why did they say that? Because he gave them the straight goods from the store house. In the inmost recesses of a. man’s being God has put a soul-hunger and

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