King's Business - 1921-10

_HOLy; Iklieve onfjt |J Christ and 'BIBLE LordJesus J thou Shalt 1 besaved gtj thyhouse. ' ActsU-.3i




th a t ponderous marine engine which n igh t and day, in calm and storm ploughs its way across th e deep, by sin­ cerely tak ing hold of th e paddle-wheel, as a man m ight th ink he could reverse th e action of th e elements of God’s moral government through a misguided sincerity. -They will roll oyer such a one, and overwhelm him in endless ruin. |—Beecher. Foolish Rebellion God is not only able to cast wicked men into hell; bu t He can most easily do it. Sometimes an earth ly prince meets w ith a g reat deal of difficulty to subdue a rebel th a t, has found means to fortify himself, and has made him­ self strong by th e numbers of his fol­ lowers; bu t it is not so w ith God. There is no fortress th a t is any defense from thq power of God. Though hand join in hand, and vast m ultitudes of God’s enemies combine and associate them ­ selves, they are easily broken in pieces: they are as g reat heaps of ligh t and chaff before the whirlw ind, or large quantities of dry stubble before the de­ vouring flames. We find it easy to tread on and crush a worm th a t we see crawling on th e ea rth ; so it is easy for us to cut or singe a slender th read th a t any th ing hangs by: thu s easy is it for God, when He pleases, to cast His ene­ mies down to hell. W hat are we, th a t we should th in k to stand before Him a t whose rebuke th e ea rth trem bles?— Jon ath an Edwards.

The Awakening OME tim e since, in P aris, a poor somnambulist was observ­ ed pacing backwards and for­ wards on the top of a house six stories high, a t nightfall. An anxious crowd was assem­ bled to watch h er movements.

She was evidently dream ing of some coming festival, and was humm ing to herself a lively air. Again and again she approached th e verge of th e emi­ nence on which she was standing; and again and again she receded, always smiling, and always unconscious. At length, her eye caught sight of a can­ dle in an opposite house, She awoke. There was a cry, a heavy fall, and all was over. Thus will it be a t last w ith th e ungodly. The light of th e other world, as it stream s in upon them , will awaken them from sleep; b u t as they awake, it will only be to discover th e precipice on which they have so long been standing, and down th e steps of which they must now plunge.— Morse. Misguided Sincerity It is often said it is no m a tte r what a man believes if he is only sincere. This is tru e of all m inor tru th s, and false of all tru th s whose n atu re it is to fashion a man’s life. It will make no difference in a man’s harvest whether he th ink s tu rn ip s have more saccharine m a tte r th an potatoes, whether corn is b etter th a n wheat. But let th e man sincerely believe th a t seed planted w ith­ out ploughing is as good as with, th a t Ja n u ary is as favorable for seed-sowing as April, and th a t cockle-seed will pro­ duce as good a harvest as wheat, and will it m difference? A child m ight as well th ink he could reverse

K indly g et our Christmas Sugges­ tion on Page 1040.

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