King's Business - 1921-10

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


A ttack my faith w ith treacherous art, I ’d call them vanity and lies, And bind th e Gospel to my h e a rt.’ ”

many would not listen, yet he knew how much they needed to know Jesus as a friend, so he ’ kep t on preaching th e Word to them . Some of th e peo­ ple in th e city, who worshipped idols, became very angry a t P aul and his friends, for when th e people came to know Jesus, they had no use for the idols. Some of th e men who made the little idols, did not have so many people to buy th e ir idols. These men caught two of P au l’s friends and took them to a big building where a large crowd gathered. When P aul heard of his friends being in trouble, he hu r­ ried to them , b u t others of his friends kept him from entering the building, for they knew if P aul went in th e people would grow more angry and h u rt him. Here again we see what a kind friend P au l was, willing to help his friends even though it m eant danger to him. He was a faith fu l preacher, and told them about Jesus wherever he went. The man who finally quieted th e mob of angry people was th e town clerk. He told them th a t P aul and his friends had not h u rt th e ir idol or temple, and th a t if any felt they had been injured by Paul, they should , bring th eir troubles to th e court and settle it in the rig h t way. The people listened to- th e clerk, and scattered and went to th e ir homes. P aul gave of his time and streng th to tell people about Jesus. He was a kind and loving friend a t all times, and a faith fu l m inister. He was tru e to his best friend, Jesus, and if we are tru e to Jesus, we will be kind and loving. P au l’s life teaches us th a t it is more blessed to give th a n to re­ ceive. (Teach memory verse). Is Jesus our friend, and do we love Him and tell others about Him? Closing P rayer.— Dear heavenly F ath e r, we th a n k Thee for Jesus our loving friend, and help us to be loving and kind.

P au l a Loving F rie n d and M inister. Acts 19:10-12, 20, 31-38. Memory Verse'.— “ It is more blessed .to give th an to receive." Acts 20:35. A pproach.||-W ho can tell me w hat a friend is? Some one we love. Yes, a friend is some one we love. Does a friend love us,' too? Yes, indeed. How do we like to BEGINNERS tre a t those who are AND PRIMARY our friends? Do Mabel L. M errill nice things for _ them and tre a t them kindly and help them in every way we can. You know th ere is some­ thing else about a friend. When we have a good friend we w ant all our other friends to know them also. Who is the best friend in all the world? Jesus. Let us bow our heads and th a n k God for sending Jesus down here to be our friend. Lesson Story.-|j|Today we are to have ano ther story about Paul, and we are going to learn w hat kind of a friend he was. The name of the city where P aul was in our story, is Ephesus. Paul had been h ere before, and he told his friends he would come back again and he k ep t his promise. We see P aul was a tru e friend, for tru e friends always keep a promise. The people living in th is city did no t know Jesus, and Paul stayed here for a long time, for Jesus was P au l’s very best friend, and Paul w anted them to know Jesu s too. Paul was a faith fu l preacher of th e Word of God, so all th e people h eard about P au l’s friend Jesus, b u t many of them would not believe, b u t a large number who heard Paul tell about Jesus, did believe. Here again we learn w hat a faith fu l friend P aul was, for even when

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