King's Business - 1921-10

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


65). He was k in d ; He healed th e ear of Malchus (Luke 22:50, 51) and took little babes tenderly in His arm s (Mark 10:14-16). He envied no t b u t desired to share Hi's glory (Matt. 19:28; John 17:22-24). He “ vaunted n o t” Himself, bu t “made H imself of no rep u tatio n ” (Phil. 2:6-8) and was meek and lowly in h ea rt (M att.' 1 1 :29 ). He did not behave Himself unseemly (Isa. 42:2, 3; Mark 7 :3 7 ). He sought not His own bu t th e will of His F ath e r (Luke 22: 42; John 5 :4 3 ), and gave His life for His sheep. (John 10 :11 ). He was not provoked. See how He dealt w ith spies whose sp irit and motives He knew, (Luke 20:20-26). and how He prayed for His foes (Luke 23: 34). He though t no evil (John 14: 30). He rejoiced no t in iniquity, but rebuked it wherever He saw it (Matt. 23:23-32; John 2:13-17). He rejoiced in th e tru th for He was th e T ru th (John 14 :6 ; 1 7 :17 ). He bore all things, even our sins. (1 Pet. 2 :24 ; John 1 :2 9 ). He believed all things (Matt. 5 :18 ; Luke 2 4 :2 5 ); He hoped all things, even in death (Matt. 26 :53 -64 ). He endured all things (Isa. 53 :7 ; Heb. 1 2 :3 ). He never failed and never will fail bu t loves to th e end (John 1 3 :1 ). He abides for­ ever (John 8 :35 ; Heb. 13:8) and in all things is pre-em inent (Col. 1 :1 8 ). Now read th e chapter over again, re a d in g , “ Jesu s” wherever it says “ charity” or “ love,” and you will see how Scripture testifies of Him (John 5 :3 9 ). (6) The Catechism of Love. W hat is God? “God is love.” (1 Jno. 4 :8 -16 ). Does th e F a th e r love? “The F ath e r H imself loveth you.” (John 1 6 :26 ). Does th e Son love? “As the F ath e r h ath loved Me, so have I loved you” (John 15 :9 ). Does th e Spirit love? “ I beseech you * * * for th e love of the Sp irit” (Rom,. 15 :30 ).

The h ea rt is more to Him than, th e hand. He knows th a t where the h ea rt goes, th e hand reaches. The ethics preached in th e modern pulpit are well enough as far as they go, bu t th ey do not touch th e h ea rt of God or man. “ The n igh t has a thousand eyes, The day h u t one; B u t th e light of the whole world dies, W ith th e setting sun. The m ind has a thousand eyes, The h ea rt bu t one; But th e ligh t of the whole world dies, When love is gone.” (4 ) The A ttribu tes of Love. The perfection of love is in the mathem atics of th is chapter. E igh t is th e sacred number . symbolizing life. Jesus rose the eighth day according to th e “Spirit of life in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 8 :3 ). Our verses double th e sa­ cred eight. Love is (1) longsuffering; (2) tender; (3) un-envying; (4) mod­ est; (5 ) humble; (6) gentle; (7) un­ selfish; (8) self-controlled; (9 ) pure m inded; (10) holy; (11) tru e ; (12) p atien t; (13) tru stfu l; (14) reliable; (15) undespairdng; (16) unfailing. (5 ) The Personification of Love. But One has ever exemplified love in divine perfection. Jesus had the “ tongues of men” for “ never man spake like th is m an” (John 7 :4 6 ); and th e “ tongues of angels,” for they comforted Him (Matt. 4 :11 ; Luke 2 2 :4 3 ). He had th e g ift of prophecy, for His was •the Spirit of prophecy (Rev. 19:10) and He expounded it from Moses to Malachi (Luke 24:25-J7; Rev. 1 :1 ). He understood all mysteries for He un­ veiled th e F ath e r (John 1 :1 8 ). In Him was “ hid all wisdom” (Col. 2 :3 ; 1 Cor. 1 :2 4 ). He bestowed all His goods to feed the poor, for “ though He was rich, yet for our sakes He became poor” (2 Cor. 8 :9 ). He was long-suf­ fering for He bore th e kiss of Judas (Luke 22:48)' and all the abuse of His exasperating persecutors (Luke 22:63-

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