King's Business - 1921-10

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


n aughty child tells something about us which is not tru e and tries to h u rt us, we will act kindly tow ard them , and bear it patiently, and then we may have a chance to win them for Jesus, and then when th e ir h ea rt is full of His love they will no t w ant to do naughty acts. Another th ing we find in this beautiful le tte r of P au l’s about love, is th a t if some boy or girl has nicer things th an we have, we will no t envy them , th a t is we will no t be cross about it. You know sometimes I h ear boys and girls say they won’t go to Sunday School because they have not as nice clothes as some o th er folks have. Now here is th e way love acts. They will go to Sunday School because they love Jesus, and not ju st to wear nice clothes. Of Course we will w ant to wear our clean clothes and see th a t our shoes are clean, or if we are barefoot, th a t our feet are washed. Love is never selfish, b u t always th ink s of others first, and will not th ink w rong of others. Love will make us sorry when our compan­ ions do wrong instead of glad. You know, boys and girls, we tell the differ­ en t kinds of trees by the fru it they bear. Ju st so we can tell whether peo­ ple have love in th eir h ea rts by th e way they act. I was in a home th e o ther day and I saw some very ugly fru it in the acts of a little girl, who got angry w ith h er b ro th er who was younger th a n she, and even struck him. I wonder what kind of fru it we are showing in our homes. Now we will have our memory^ verse, and then we will see if during the nexi week, we can live w hat this verse tells us. We cannot do it our­ selves, b u t df we love Jesus and ask Him to help us, then His love will fill our h earts. (Emphasize selfishness in th is lesson, for out of it flows all other w rong.) Closing P ray er.-SD ear Lord Jesus, we th a n k Thee for Thy wonderful love to us, and help us to show our love in th e things we do each day.

G rammar School, Mr. Moncur, sink his tawse in the river F ay before th e lads, as a sign th a t he would use no physical force to command th e ir obedience, and th a t th is had a marvelous influence over 'th em all. He literally ruled by love. ja a How to Show Our Love. 1 Cor. 13: Memory Verse.— “L et us love one ano th er.” 1 John 4:7. Approach*— It is said of a certain king th a t when seated a t his sumptuous table, sometimes word would be brought th a t th e poor were a t his gates. in g reat crowds BEGINNERS crying for bread. AND PRIMARY He did not say, Mabel L. M errill “God pity th em !” bu t would com­ mand his servants to tak e th e food from his table to feed them .— P ractical .Commentary. Lesson Story.— This beautiful story about th e king shows he had love in his h ea rt for th e poor people who were hungry, and because th e re was love, he did something to help them . In our story today we are going to h ear some of the wonderful things; P aul w rote to some friends of his a long tim e ago. It is one of th e most beautiful letters ever w ritten , and it is all about love, and boys and girls, did you know th a t love is th e g reatest thing in all th e world. P aul loved these people very much to whom he w rote the letter, and he had heard about some of them not acting to ­ ward each other as those who love one another should act. Some of them had even quarreled. You see, children, peo­ ple who lived a long tim e ago got into trouble and did wrong th ing s ju st as we do when we are not filled w ith the love of Jesus. Now Paul tells them w hat love will really do. Listen to w hat love will do. “Love suffereth long, and is kind.” T h at means if some

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