King's Business - 1921-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

ed the cost of Christ’s service and found the sufferings of th is present tim e not worthy to be compared w ith th e glory th a t was to be revealed.— Parry. v. 14. W ill of th e Lord be done. A prayer pu t into th e Christian’s mouth by Christ (Matt. 6 :1 0 ); a precept for th e Christian illu strated by Christ (Matt. 2 6 :4 2 ); a p attern of Christ th a t should be followed by His servants (v. 14).— Lange. v. 15. Took carriages. This m arks th e beginning of th e end of Paul.— Garry. v. 16. Old disciple. An early disci­ ple, one who had long been a Christian, having probably been converted on the day of Pentecost.—Whitelaw. Subject H lustrations “F riendship,” says one, “ should be in the singular; it can be no more p lu ral th an love.” R ichard Cecil said: “ I have a shelf in my book-case for tried authors, one LESSON in my m ind for ILLUSTRATIONS tried principles, and W. H. P ik e one in my heart for tried friends.’’ P aul had a large shelf in his heart. Some of his best ¿nd most tried friends are mentioned in th is lesson. Bible Illu stration s Take your concordance and look up these friends of Paul. Note every place where they are mentioned. Their characters are worth studying. “Once le t friendship be given th a t is born of God, nor time nor circumstance can change it to a lessening; it must be m u tu al grow th, increasing tru st, widening faith, enduring patience, for­ giving love, unselfish ambition,— an af­ fection bu ilt before the throne, th a t will bear th e te st of tim e and tria l.” Christian F riend s The au tho r of the famous tract, “Come to Jesus,” a t one tim e engaged in a theological dispute, a t last sat down and w rote to some publication of his opponent, an answer bristling with sarcasm and invective, sharp and cut­ ting as a razor. Reading it to a friend,

th a t these children, being women, should keep silent, bu t God evidently thought otherwise. He made them prophets (2 :1 7 ), Paul, in th e very epistle in which he forbids women speaking under certain circum stances in th e assembly, (I Cor. 14:34) also gives direction how women shall proph­ esy (I Cor. 1 1 : 5 ) -Torrey. v. 11. Took P au l’s girdle. His adoption of this figurative action makes it almost certain th a t th e man was a Jew. Thus Isaiah (2 0 :3 ) walks naked and bare foot; Jerem iah (1 3 :5 ) hides his girdle by th e riv er; (19 :10 , 11) breaks th e p o tte r’s vessel; Ezekiel (4: 1-3) draws a picture on a tile and (5: 1-4) cuts off his hair and burns it; .Zedèkiah made horns of iron (I Kings 2 2 :1 1 ). W ith this act of Agabus may be compared our Lord’s words to Peter (Jno. 2 1 :1 8 ).— Camb. Bible. v. 12. B esought him . The parallel between Christ and Paul, who were both dissuaded-B the former by P eter (Matt. 1 6 :22 ), and th e la tte r by friends —¡-from going to Jerusalem to suffer, is too apparen t to escape notice.T—Horn. Com. We are in danger of allowing thè influence of our relatives and friends to in terfere w ith our supreme devotion to the cause of Christ. We may be exposed to social and political disadvantages. We must be prepared to bear them .—- G .. Brooks. v. 13. I am ready. The history of most of our failu re in Christian service is commonly th e history of unreadiness. Calls are ap t to come upon us suddenly, and only the ones whose loins are girded about and whose feet are shod in readi­ ness of obedience can respond. Oppor­ tun ities are of all things most fleeting. It is in the secret place th a t Paul, and we also, by counting the cost, must learn the secret of the ready h eart, which is th e whole secret of life.—Holden. To die a t Jerusalem . W here is th e apostle P au l today? Where th e man th a t speaks thus? Would he have any fol­ lowing now? Would he not be called fanatic, emotionalist, enthusiast? Would th e re no t be teachers of what is falsely called prudence who would ask him to stop and th ink and weigh well his course? The little prudence is more popular, it lies quiet; bu t th e g reat prudence lives beyond the cloudy re­ gion of compliment and congratulation and goes to Golgotha, to Olivet, to heaven.— People’s Bible. F o r th e Lord Jesus. The apostle had long ago count­

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