King's Business - 1921-10

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MONDAY, October 3. Acts 19:1-7. The Ephesian Pentecost. P aul on arriving in Ephesus finds certain disciples there. In some way he discovered something lacking in th e ir faith and testimony. He asks if they had received the Holy Spirit when they believed. They had been baptiz­ ed by John and stood where Apollos did when he arrived in Ephesus. P aul instructed them and re-baptized them and they received th e Holy Spirit. This is th e la st tim e th a t baptism is men­ tioned in th e book of Acts and also th e last mention of the laying on of hands. This shows th a t Jo h n ’s m inistry could no t give full knowledge of th e tru th nor th e Holy Spirit. The number of th e disciples is given for th e same rea­ son th a t Apollos’ eloquence and culture are spoken of in ch. 18:24. W hat his learning did not give to him , th eir num bers did no t gain for them . Each one of th e twelve was deficient in spite of his earnestness and devoutness. TUESDAY, October 4. Acts 8:12-17. The S am aritan Pentecost. There are five successive instances re­ corded in th e book of Acts of the bestowments of the Holy Spirit, each one teaching a d istinct lesson in show­ ing who . could be adm itted to the church. The Jew ish Pentecost, Acts 2, showed th a t those who had rejected the earth ly m inistry of Christ could come in. The S am aritan Pentecost, Acts 8, ta u g h t th a t those having a religion half tru e "and h alf heathen may repen t and be adm itted. In Saul’s personal P ente­ cost, Acts 9:17, we see th a t one who had resisted th e Holy Spirit and perse­ cuted th e church could receive th e Holy Spirit and become a member. In the case of Cornelius, Acts 10, th e Gentiles have th e ir Pentecost and finally the twelve men a t Ephesus who had been negligent in obeying John ’s teaching to believe in Christ, Acts 19:4, are ad­ m itted to th e sp iritual body.. This list shows th a t up to th is tim e all classes of men had been reached by th e Gospel. WEDNESDAY, October 5. Acts 19:8- 2 0 / P a u l a t Ephesus. P au l stayed a t Ephesus about th ree years, ch. 20:31, bu t very little is said

SATURDAY, October 1. I Cor. 1:1-10. P a u l's Appeal to Corinth. Corinth was th e richest city of Greece, having more magnificent merchant princes th an Tyre ever saw, and older th a n Sparta and Athens. Nevertheless th e only one of her citizens whose name is fam iliar to us is th a t of the penniless philosopher who had riot where to- lay his head and when the conqueror of th e world said to him, “W hat can I do for you?” replied, “You can get ou t of my sunlight.” The word “ to Corinthianize” in P au l’s time m eant in all languages th a t used th e word “ to go to th e devil.” G reat Rome destroyed Corinth easily by a single blow bu t caught from h er victim th e disease which killed her. The seeds of the plague were brought home by h er victorious soldiers and scattered over th e whole of Italy. The tem pta­ tions of Corinth were those which as­ sail w ith special force commercial peo­ ples. All her wealth came from com­ merce. H er sovereigns as in America were business men. The Corinthian converts are addressed as sanctified and th e ir calling to sainthood is k ep t ever before them , v. 2. SUNDAY, October 2. I Cor. 2:1-10. P au l’s D eterm ination in Corinth. While P aul was a t Corinth he seems almost to have been over-mastered by a depression of spirits which th rea ten ­ ed to paralyze his usefulness and which seems to have been caused by th e sight of th e depravities around him. He wrote his Epistle to th e Romans here. The appalling catalogue of vices in the first chapter is no imaginary sketch bu t a photograph of w hat was going on before his eyes. Such iniquity made his work seem hopeless. Nevertheless he knew th a t Christ and th e cross were th e panacea and he determ ined to hold up the cross w ith steadfast and unyield­ ing devotion. All sub stitu tes are fee­ ble. The Gospel is th e orily antidote for sin. It is equally th e power of God unto salvation for th e elite of A thens and th e riff-raff of Corinth. The Gospel is designated and summarized by th e phrase “ Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”

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