King's Business - 1921-10

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 961 of h is M aster he labored w ith joy an d g ath ered much fru it, th e seed whereof ripen even now in th e fo u r q u arte rs of th e ea rth in to y et rich e r harvests because of h is husbandry. “When in th e fulness of years d eath came to him , it came as a rew ard. He fell on sleep and was seen of men no more. Today in Texas and in New York, in Chicago and in London and h alf a h und red land s th e re are those who knew and loved him and are ta lk in g of th e h e a rt and th e w o rth of th e m an they knew an d loved.” - THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY In a communication dated June 23, over the signature of William Phillips Hall, President; and Rev. David James Burrell, D. D., Vice Presi­ dent and Chairman of the Publication Committee, is a welcome statement from the American Tract Society: . “Our atten tion has been called to th e fact th a t th e Explanatory Notes on th e In tern atio n al Sunday School lessons in th e Spanish language, which have been prepared and furnished by th e editors of an d published fo r th e Comm ittee on Christian lite r a tu r e of th e Comm ittee on Co-operation fo r L atin America, con-, ta in teachings con trary to th e accepted stand ard s of evangelical Christian be­ lief; th a t as th e American T ract Society h as always stood fo r those views of th e Bible and its teachings held by tru ly evangelical Christians and holds in reprobation such teachings as it h a s been unknow ingly and innocently publish­ ing in th e Notes m entioned above,-—it hereby annnounces th a t it h as ceased th e publication and d istribu tion of said Notes; th a t it confesses it h as been grievously m isled and deceived in th is m a tte r; th a t it denounces th e aforesaid teachings an d will h e re after m ore carefully an d fully scrutinize all m anuscripts in foreign languages th a t may be presented fo r publication, and so avoid o th er experiences of a lik e n a tu re .” We felt that these beloved brethren—stalwart defenders of the Word of God—were .not cognizant of the character of the Sunday School notes which were being foisted upon the native converts in Latin America, and with real pleasure we make room for this statement. The American Tract Society has been and is faithful to God’s Word and we commend to our readers the following appeal from these good brethren: “I f sufficient encouragem ent and means shall be forthcom ing, th e Society will, a t an early date, p lan to secure th e w riting and publication of an annu al volume upon th e In tern atio n al Sunday School Lessons in th e Spanish language th a t may be implicitly relied upon as setting fo rth only such views an d teachings as may fully accord w ith th e evangelical standard s of belief.” AN EXCELLENT EXAMPLE Many churches have found it expedient to have a definite statement of their faith in such form that there could be no question as to their standing, and we are glad to cite an excellent example of a large and in fluential church which rings true to the old Book. Dr. 0. P. Gifford, that veteran, gifted servant of God, is now supplying •the pulpit of this church’, the First Baptist Church of Pasadena, and at­ tracting large numbers of people to the services by reason of his strong, virile, Gospel messages, and a recent number of their church bulletin contained the following statement of belief: A t th e meeting on Wednesday evening, th e follow ing resolutions w ere p re­ sented and passed and on fu rth e r m otion o rdered to be p rin ted in th e bu lletin : Whereas, th e p resen t seems to be an opportune occasion in th e histo ry of our church wherein to announce o u r stand upon w hat we believe to be th e funda-

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