King's Business - 1921-10

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


ing valedictory th an th e analysis of a wild flower can preserve its odour. T rue Christians are always drawn to each o ther in holy affection. Jesus said th a t His disciples should be known to th e world, not by garb or creed or any ex ternal m ark whatever bu t by th e ir love for one another. Jno. 13: 35. “'WeTl never say good-bye in Heaven.” - THURSDAY, October 20. Acts 21 :1 - 17. P au l’s Hast Jou rn ey to Jerusalem . The ship which carried P au l’s party stopped a week a t Tyre to unload its cargo. Paul improved th e opportunity to seek out the Christians in the town to m inister unto them . H ere is a good suggestion for any trav eller who may be detained upon a journey. In­ stead of passing th e tim e in idleness or sight-seeing let him look up thé Christian people in th e place and find those who are needing help. These disciples at Tyre knew through the Spirit th a t danger and tria l awaited P aul in Jerusalem . They inferred from this th a t he ought not to go and sought to dissuade him. Human in­ terp retation s of Divine, teaching are not always right. Obstacles are not al­ ways Divine intim ations th a t we should stop to change p u r course. Shut doors sometimes are to be opened and open doors are not always to be entered. O ther things be­ sides circumstances en ter into the problem of guidance in the path of duty. Danger, suffering and sacrifice may be God’s will for us and therefore a p art of our duty. Let us not m isin­ te rp re t providences by draw ing wrong conclusions. I 'K l P A l , October 2 1 . A cts 8 :20-40. An Ideal Christian’s Home. The beauty and influence of a Chris­ tian home find an illu stration in the fam ily of Philip, A cts.21:8, 9. We first meet Philip as one of th e seven deacons, Acts 6 :5 .. Then he became an evangel­ ist and finally seems to be th e pastor in Caesarea. His four daughters as well him self were engaged in Chris­ tia n work. Well would it be for every home if its daughters were prophet­ esses speaking out th eir messages in whatever way Christ m ight desire. We do not know in w hat p articu lar minis­ tries these young women honored and served th e Master. Had they lived in our day' they would doubtless have taugh t classes on Sunday and had an active

p art in Christian Endeavor or some other form of work. Every young woman who has given her h ea rt to Christ should find some way of work­ ing for Him. Women have always been the friends of Jesiis. Their h earts are tru e, th e ir hands are gentle and they are well fitted for noble service. SATURDAY, October 22. F sa. 57 :1 - 11. The Sealed F u tu re . It is one of the g reat blessings of life th a t we do no t know th e future. Sometimes thoughtless people express a wish to know what lies before them . If we knew our fu tu re joys it m ight un­ fit us for the routine duties of th e day. If we knew pur coming sorrows it m ight unnerve us and drive us into doubt and despair. I t is b etter no t to know. F o r P aul the veil was parted a little and he was given a glimpse of trouble before him, Acts 20:22, 23. This knowledge so affected his friends th a t they urged him to tu rn away from the duty because of th è danger in­ volved. B etter had they been k ep t in ignorance than to have given such proof of th e ir friendship. ^ P a u l’s devotion could not be shaken. The pleadings of love make duty hard, bu t he did not hesitate. The will of God was plain to him. He saw before him imprison­ ment and possible death. He counted th e cost and w as ready for either. SUNDAY, October 23. n Cor. 11:23- 33. In Labors more Abundant. The travels of Paul covered many thousands of miles through far distan t countries, by inconvenient means of tran spo rtation and on foot during a period of about sixteen years. He h a d ' been obedient to every heavenly vision th a t had come to him and his commis­ sion had led him th roughout th e Roman Empire. His chief work had been to introduce the Gospel and it is common­ ly supposed th a t he evangelized above fourteen hundred towns and Villages in the course of his m issionary jo u r­ neys. In his solicitude for the church- os th a t he founded, he was led to re­ visit them and strengthen them . His epistles reveal his inmost heart. He is seen as a loving friend and a tend er fath e r as well as a m ighty Apostle! It has been well said th a t he rescu ed ’ Christianity from l becoming an obscure sect and made i t the religion of hum an­ ity. The trium phs of the Gospel which have been achieved in history have been possible where his evangelical emphasis has been accepted.

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