King's Business - 1921-10

th e custody of a pussy cat was awarded to the ex-wife, but the ex-husband is al­ lowed to visit the pussy, which must be kept in the state. The one consoling feature is th a t Fido innocently continues to wag his tail and Tabby purrs right on, unlike poor children whose lives would be ruined by the parents’ unhap­ py lives. What are we coming to any­ way? Oh Lord, how long? Burglars are stealing twelve times as much as they were ten years ago and embezzlers are embezzling four and a half times as much, according to figures made public by William B. Joyce, presi­ dent of the National Surety Company. The statem ent of Mr. Joyce was based on th e records of th irty surety and burglary companies. A society of learned Scotch scientists have sent out a warning against peo­ ple with untrained minds “dabbling with psychical matters. Occultism, they point out, is really dangerous to anyone who is incapable of making sharp dis­ tinctions as they might jump to alarm ­ ing conclusions which would bring about a neurasthenic mental condition.” A well-trained mind will leave the whole business alone, knowing th a t the devil is behind it. Scripture verses are being quoted in the prayer meeting and someone gets up and says: “Cleanliness is next .to godli­ ness.” They always fail to give the ref­ erence. The quotation in the English form is first found in John Wesley’s '“‘Sermons on D ress/’ where he said, “Slovenliness is no part of religion; neither this, (referring to the Bible) nor. any text of Scripture, condemns neat­ ness of apparel. Certainly this is a duty, not a sin;- ‘cleanliness is next to godli­ ness’.” Though Wesley pu t th e la st p art in quotation marks he gave no indication as to its source. It is not found in the Bible, as many believe, but is probably a popular proverb from ancient times. A great Christian died when Edwin O. Excell passed away in Chicago on June

ASTERN M e t h o d i s t says, - “About th e only out-and-out and dependably orthodox hook in the new Course of Study is Bishop Neely’s Parliamentary



A new book is announced—“What Can the Church do to Save Itself?” Dr. Mun- hall says, “Well, suppose ther Church should more strenuously strive to save sinners outside, would she not save her­ self also? And suppose, on the other hand, she should center all her concern upon herself to be saved, would not that be ju st the sure way to be lost? To what condition have we come, when the agency to save the world finds itself among the lost?” Largest Sunday School in the world id th a t of the F irst Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas. Dr. J. Frank Norris, pas­ tor. Its attendance runs over 4,000. No In tern ation al lessons and no leaflets. The Bible is the only text book and it is systematically studied. Something about real Bible study th a t seems to draw. Said an orator recently, “Work, my friends, is the lot of man! Man was sent into this world to earn his living by the sweat of his brow. You didn’t find Adam walking about the Garden of Eden with his hands in his pockets!” “Pay of'laundry wagon drivers raised to $115 a week,” says a newspaper head­ line. Splendid chance for some of our college professors. These are hard times. Money conies hard for .Gospel work. Yet the Dempsey- Carpenfier fight in New Jersey netted $1,600,000 of which Dempsey pocketed $300,000 and C arpentier $200,000. In several widely reported divorce cases lately, the custody of a poodle dog has been a difficult factor. In one case the judge ruled th a t each • should have the dog for six months. In another case

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