Dear Valued Business Partners, It is my pleasure to share with you the latest portfolio of our champagnes, wines and spirits from Moët Hennessy and Diageo. As the custodian of this remarkable portfolio of brands, it is our responsibility to respect the founding spirit of each brand while continuing to remain culturally relevant.We rely on each of you to achieve this. Our promise remains unchanged, to be your most valued partner, through of- fering you an unrivalled collection of iconic brands, whilst sharing our passion and expertise in wines and spirits, and providing you with creative advice – ultimately, crafting the best experiences for our consumers. As we continue to see dynamic business conditions we will continue to new ways to excite our consumers and grow our respective businesses together. Thank you for your ongoing commitment and I look forward to sharing future success.

親愛的客戶: 「酩悅軒尼詩帝亞吉歐洋酒有限公司」很榮幸為您呈獻一系列優質世界級的香檳、葡萄酒及烈酒品牌,分享集團旗下各品牌背 後蘊藏的獨特歷史。作為這些卓越品牌的管理者,我們有責任尊重每個品牌背後蘊藏的創始精神,並承接文化轉變,延續品牌 宗旨,這一目標,需要大家一起攜手實現。我們的資深團隊憑藉對葡萄酒及烈酒之專業知識與熱情,一直領先於業界,為尊貴的 客戶呈獻至高無上的品酒體驗及建議,並以締造最佳消費體驗為目標。 作為您最有價值的合作夥伴,我們的承諾始終如一,與您靈活應對多變的營商環境。衷心感謝您多年來對「酩悅軒尼詩帝亞吉 歐洋酒有限公司」的支持和信任,期望於新一年繼續與您共創成就。

ASHLEY POWELL Managing Director Moët Hennessy Diageo Hong Kong & Macau

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