KENTUCKY, AMERICAN In 1987,Thomas E. Bulleit, Jr., fulfilled a lifelong dream of reviving an old family bourbon recipe by starting the Bulleit Distilling Company. Inspired by his great-great-grandfather Augustus Bulleit, who made a high-rye whiskey between 1830-1860, Tom left a successful law practice and risked everything to experience life on the frontier. Today, we’re not the only ones who are glad he did. BULLEIT AMERICAN WHISKY Thomas E. Bulleit, Jr.於1987年實現了畢生的夢想,以創立 Bulleit蒸餾廠來復興古老的波本威士忌配方。Thomas 的曾曾祖 父 Augustus Bulleit 曾於1830至1860年間釀製黑麥威士忌,受到 其啟發,Thomas毅然離開其律師事務所,冒險投入發展家族的 釀酒事業。至今,大家都為他當日的決定感到高興。

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