MEXICO Founded in 1942, Don Julio built La Primavera distillery in the heart of his native Jalisco, staying loyal to the community that helped him on his way. He broke with tradition to bottle the word’s first luxury tequila so that it could be enjoyed on the dinner table amongst friends.Focussing on quality over quantity, Don Julio’s passion for his craft revolutionised the tequila business from the ground up.Today, La Primavera represents fresh thinking, communion and a Latin passion for craft and integrity. DON JULIO Don Julia為忠於其成長的社區,於1942年在其故鄉哈利斯科 高地的核心地帶建造了La Primavera 釀酒廠。品牌打破傳統 釀製了全球首瓶頂級奢華的龍舌蘭酒,讓朋友們能在聚會上 於餐桌上享用。酒廠出品專注於質量而非數量,Don Julia對 釀酒工藝的熱情徹底顛覆了龍舌蘭酒業。今天,La Primavera 釀酒廠已代表著嶄新思維、共融的社區、以及對工藝堅持的熱 情精神。

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