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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 PR RESIDENCE CONTRACT The United Counties of Prescott-Russell council (UCPR) approved an extension of the contract with Colliers Project Leaders as project manager for for construction of the new Prescott-Russell Residence. The contract extension continues until construction of the new Residence is finished. Council also agreed to a recommendation for payment of the $475,000 remaining of the consultant firm’s fee for the project. – Gregg Chamberlain COMMERCIAL REZONING A small new commercial development project is planned for the corner of McGill and Nelson streets in Hawkes- bury. Council approved a request to change the zoning for two empty lots at that location from Residential R4 to Commercial Local. The developer plans office space on the ground floor and two apartments on the top floor. – Gregg Chamberlain REZONING REFUSED Hawkesbury council rejected a rezoning request for a property at 389 Albert Street. The property owner wanted to add two apartment units in the basement of the single-family residence. Council members determined the rezoning request, which would create a type of multi-unit apartment setup, was contrary to the single-family character of the neighbourhood. – Gregg Chamberlain



Vankleek Hill arena will reopen to the pu- blic with a reduced capacity and the ice will remain for an additional two weeks after the venue was forced to close during the province-wide lockdown. Champlain Township council voted to approve the reopening of the Eastern 0OUBSJP)FBMUI6OJU &0)6 BSFBFNFSHFE from the lockdown at the orange “restrict” level or lower on the province’s colour-coded COVID-19 measures framework until April 18. However, if the situation worsened and the region was transferred to the red “control” MFWFMCZ.BSDI  UIFBSFOBXPVMEDMPTF immediately and the ice pad would be removed. In a report to the council, Parks and Recreation director Lisa Burroughs said the UPXOTIJQIBEMPTUBCPVU JOSFWFOVF GSPNUIFTIVUEPXOCFUXFFO%FDFNCFS and January 31. #VSSPVHITTBJEUIFTIVUEPXOJO.BSDI last year had only cut about two weeks of ice time for the arena. “The Parks and Recreation team has done all they can to reduce costs at the facility; minimizing ice maintenance, keeping lights off and adjusting temperature,” she said. “In a typical year, weekly ice rentals would BWFSBHFIPVSTXIJDIXPVMESFQSFTFOU BCPVU JOSFWFOVFTu Burroughs recommended that, in addition to reopening the arena, the ice pad remain

L’aréna de Vankleek Hill rouvrira avec une capacité limitée après avoir été fermée pendant plus d›un mois en raison du confinement. — photo d’archives

in place for two weeks longer than usual. While the ice was usually removed at the FOEPG.BSDI TIFTVHHFTUFEUIBUUIFQBE remain in place until April 18, as long as the region did not enter the red zone. 6OEFSPSBOHF[POFSFTUSJDUJPOT DBQBDJUZ JTMJNJUFEUPQFPQMFBUJOEPPSTQPSUTBOE

recreational fitness facilities. Spectators are not permitted, but children can be accompa- nied by a parent or guardian. “Reopening the arena will also provide groups and leagues a chance to make up for lost time and hope- GVMMZFOBCMFUIFJSTVSWJWBMGPSUIF season,” Burroughs said.



Cancellation of multiple public aware- ness events had made it difficult for Crime Stoppers to explain its operations to the wider public. i6TVBMMZ XF UBLF UIF PQQPSUVOJUZ UP connect with the community by setting up information table tops to engage with people, but with the pandemic, we are not able to do this safely,” she said. “There were  DIBSHFT BOE  BSSFTUT JO UIF  that may not have happened without the Crime Stoppers program. It works.” Crime Stoppers is an outlet for people to report crimes or incidents anonymously. The organization was designed to encou- rage those who would otherwise fear reta- liation to report a crime without the need to provide their name or testify in court. Crime Stoppers could be reached at cri- NFTUPQQFSTDBPSCZDBMMJOH

The National Capital Area Crime Stoppers received almost 1200 more tips in 2020 than during the previous year, despite the pandemic lockdown. The organization,

which worked with police from the Ottawa-Gatineau area through

En 2020, près de 5 000 tuyaux ont été donnés par le public à Échec au crime dans la région


de la capitale nationale, soit une augmentation par rapport à 2019.

to Hawkesbury, Limoges, Embrun, and Casselman, SFDFJWFEUJQT JO Those tips led to DIBSHFTBOEBSSFTUT%VSJOH  Crime Stoppers received 3733 tips. Crime Stoppers coordinator Constable Jackalyn Getz said the organization had not identified a particular reason for the increase in calls, but said it may have been due to people staying at home who were more aware of their surroundings.

Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398 1100, rue Aberdeen Street, C.P. / P.O. Box 1000, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 3H1 1-800-267-0850 Fax.: 613-632-6383

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