P R O F I L E Top Best Firms to Work For Leaders of employee-friendly firms talk about how being a Best Firm affects culture, recruiting, and team building.
A RCHITECTURE AND CIVIL: BRIAN BOWERS, PRESIDENT, BOWERS + KUBOTA Our goal in being a Best Firm to Work For is to create a culture where employees are engaged, work togeth- er as a team, and ultimately produce superior service for our clients. Once you have that culture, it can be self-sustaining and you are able to attract and retain the best people who will continue to provide the best service to our clients re- sulting in repeat business. ENVIRONMENTAL: PAUL W. GROSSER, CEO, P.W. GROSSER CONSULT- ING Over the years our reputation as an employee-friendly company has allowed us to attract and retain the best and brightest people in our field. GEOTECHNICAL: EILEEN PANNETIER, PRESIDENT, COMPREHENSIVE ENVI- RONMENTAL INC. By developing a culture emphasizing staff sup- port, professional growth, and life balance, CEI has created a brand known for superior client service in both techni- cal excellence and responsiveness. Providing top-notch resources and professional support needed for successful projects results in a circle of success that includes repeat cli- ents and happy staff. Ultimately, the combination of happy clients and happy employees is easy to market. MULTI-DISCIPLINE: DAN WILLIAMS, PRESIDENT & CEO, GARVER While recruiting, we seek out those who are passionate about what they do and remove any possible roadblocks between them and their opportunities. Employees who are vocal about their passions are the best ambassadors to our cul- ture, and they’ve allowed us to grow organically in geogra- phy, employee count, and service offerings. STRUCTURAL: BRENT WRIGHT, CEO, WRIGHT ENGINEERS The biggest benefit of having an employee-friendly firm is the ability to attract and retain the best talent. You can’t have sustained success in a professional services business if you can’t get top performers and then keep them for the long-term. Be- sides making it a nice place to work, an employee-friendly firm provides people the freedom, resources, and opportu- nities they need to thrive. Then they reach out and bring in their high-performing friends. As long as you have the right people, everything else will take care of itself.
ARCHITECTURE 1. Bowers + Kubota Consulting 2. Taylor Design 3. Huckabee 4. Bennett Benner Partners 5. Randall-Paulson Architects, Incorporated CIVIL ENGINEERING 1. Bowers + Kubota Consulting 2. Choice One Engineering 3. Delta Airport Consultants, Inc. 4. Provost & Pritchard Consulting Group
5. Matthews Design Group ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 1. P.W. Grosser Consulting
2. Ecosystem Planning & Restoration 3. Comprehensive Environmental Inc 4. Alta Environmental, LP 5. Langan GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 1. Comprehensive Environmental Inc. 2. Langan 3. GeoDesign, Inc. 4. Geotechnical & Environmental Services, Inc. MULTI-DISCIPLINE 1. Garver 2. Bowers + Kubota Consulting 3. Fitzemeyer & Tocci 4. TNP, Inc. 5. TowerPinkster STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 1. Wright Engineers 2. Baldridge & Associates Structural Engineering, Inc. 3. Mulhern & Kulp Structural Engineering, Inc. 4. Sideplate Systems, Inc. 5. O’Donnell & Naccarato, Inc.
Visit zweiggroup.com/2018-best-firms-to-work-for-winners/ for the complete list of Best Firms To Work For winners.
THE ZWEIG LETTER August 20, 2018, ISSUE 1261
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