Teacher's Guide Sampler: Empowering Girls in STEAM

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Leadership and Collaboration What can we learn from reading about what makes someone a good leader?

• Why do the people in this book form a team? What is their goal?

• How does a leader build a team that works together to reach a goal? • Why is it helpful for different team members to have different skills? • What kinds of projects would you like to work on with others? Would you want to be the leader? • Who is the best leader that you read about? Support your choice with reasons. • Survey your class. Ask them which person they read about is the best leader. Analyze the results. • When was a time that you felt proud because you kept trying? • What makes a goal important enough to keep trying to reach it? • What have you learned from this book about why it is important to have confidence and believe that you can learn new things? • Write or describe step-by- step instructions for how to do something you read about in one of the books. • How can observing carefully help you better understand the world? • How can taking notes, drawing, and using math help you describe what you observe? • Think about one of the discoveries you read about. How might you use observation to find out more about it or make new discoveries?

Grade K

• How does the team decide who should be the leader? • How does each person help the team? What is special about the leader? • How do the team members react when there are problems? How do they communicate and share ideas? • Compare and contrast two of the leaders you read about. What do they have in common? How are they different? • What do the people in the book want to do? What gets in their way? • Do people do the same thing again and again, or do they change what they do on different tries? • What do you learn about people from how they keep trying to reach a certain goal? • How do they feel when they reach that goal? • How does self-confidence

Grade 1

What can we discover from our reading about teamwork?

Grade 2

Persistence What qualities help people keep trying when they face challenges?

Grade K

Grade 1

Grade 2

help people keep trying if they do not succeed right away?

Vision How does observing carefully help people understand the world? How can people use what they observe and their imaginations

• What do the people in this book notice that helps them understand something better? • What tools do the people you’ve read about use to help them gather, save, and share information? • How do people use what they already know to imagine what they want to look for or do in the future?

Grade K

Grade 1

to visualize a better future?

Grade 2

Teacher’s Guide • 17

Teacher’s Guide Sampler 7

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