Q . Portland, Oregon — From a teen-ager: “M y problem is this, I do want to be a Christian, but I also want to be at tractive to boys. Is it possible to be popular and not compromise?” A. If you are attractive to the right kind of boys, you can be a Christian, and if you are attractive to the wrong kind of boys, you ought to think about your own spiritual condition. Let me emphasize that it is far more important not to compromise than it is to be popular. If one compromises and falls into sin that sin may leave its stain throughout the rest of life. See to it that your choice is to be popular with the right kind of individual, the other kind of individual is not worth the 'attempt to establish popularity there. “I n Ephesians 6:18 it is declared that we are to pray in the Spirit. How can we do this?” A. All true prayer is in the Spirit. Now there is much prayer, we believe, that is not in the Spirit. If we regard in iquity in our heart, the Lord will not hear us regardless of how much pray ing we may do. Harboring sin in our heart will keep us from praying in the Spirit. Then there is a phrase which is most important for us to put upon the wings of sincerity as we send our petition to the Father — it is “this we ask in Je sus’ Name.” The prayer must not be for our sake, but for Christ’s sake. Now posture need not govern the matter of our praying. Many times we must pray earnestly as we are walking or driving, and our eyes must be open. Prayer has more to do with the heart attitude — do not nuture or harbor sin there! Q . Tucson, Arizona —
Q , Tucson, Arizona — “Is there a posi tive Scriptural foundation which shows that Christ’s second coming is in two parts?” A. We believe there are passages that definitely point to this. We shall give two of them by way of illustration. We read in I Thess. 1:10 that the people of Thessalonica turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God “And to wait for his Son from heaven whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.” Now there is the defi nite article “the” wrath — it is a specific wrath. Mind you, the Church is to be delivered from this period of God’s wrath, the Tribulation period as it is referred to here in Matthew 24:29. The Church will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. Thus we are delivered from the wrath to come (the Tribulation period). Then after the Tribulation period of wrath has been concluded, the Lord shall appear in the heaven — the sign of the Son of man and all the tribes of the earth shall mourn when they see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. “I f a . Christian should find a man drunk, and that man, when sober, is a good friend of his, do you think he should ignore him and not help him?” A. Absolutely, he should not ignore him! He that would have friends must show himself friendly, and not only that, put down the Scripture verse, if you will, Galatians 6:10—“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” Let us work that which is good toward all men. I would say, by all means, this Christian should seek to help this man. Q . Bend, Oregon —
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