well. It’s an educational angle that a lot of the more pro- gressive schools are taking.
and a brand that connects with its consumers. We have the best-rated customer service teams as evidenced by them winning the Canadian Cannabis Award for Top LP Customer Service this past December – and we provide gifts with pur- chases. We want to build brand loyalty, customer loyalty because at the end of day it comes down to word of mouth given the restrictions on publishing. The customer is the key influencer. JR: Health Canada has given cannabis companies a pretty well-defined box that we have to play in. It’s more or less the harsher aspects of the pharmaceutical, tobacco, and alcohol restrictions all rolled into one. We’re building a brand that stands for something more than just being a cannabis producer. We’re focusing on the wellness aspect. We’re saying that cannabis can be one tool in the tool kit people use to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Getting behind important causes like fundraising cam- paigns for certain conditions that cannabis can be benefi- cial in treating or managing is a major part of our branding process. So much of what we’re focusing on right now is education-based and it’s going to be that way for the fore- seeable future. The market is largely naïve about so many aspects of medicinal and recreational cannabis. We’re going to champion a lot of causes that shed light on it’s efficacy. What would you say directly to potential patients and customers guys? MZ: The Emblem experience. We’re all about caring for our clients, our customers, and making sure they’re going to have the best experience possible from calling one of our sales reps to opening the package. We’re going to be as transparent with you as possible. Cannabis is some- thing that people need to have the right information about because everyone’s experience is a little bit different; everyone reacts differently. You have to consider the strain and how you’re consuming it. Is it oil? Are you vapouriz- ing or ingesting it? If you have a caring team behind you it makes all the difference. JR: People have a misconception that everyone smoking a joint is flying, that they’re woozy and that’s just not the case. CBD has medicinal effects and benefits for people suffering from pain, mental illness, anxiety, and all sorts of other health conditions. That’s a big part of my mission at Emblem: to educate. You can’t judge a book by its cover. The first rule of cannabis marketing is Don’t talk about cannabis.
These students who are already there to learn about hor- ticulture and who have interest in the cannabis space will benefit from programs like this, from teachers with years of growing experience because these schools are adopting such a progressive outlook. I’m sure many readers have pre-conceived notions about the company culture at a medical cannabis operation, Max. Care to either verify or divert their imaginings? MZ : We’re leaders in marketing and branding and we have great relationships with people in the industry, in govern- ment, and on the legal side. It’s a business at the end of the day so the usual stressors are there but everyone from the growers to the executives want Emblem to be a leader in all categories and spaces. We don’t have to be the biggest, but we’ve got to be the smartest. “The evolving recreational market is something we have to consider while we’re thinking about the expansion of our current facility.” I’ve got to say that your “Let’s be buds” marketing slogan is a stroke of genius. I’m sure you and Jordan have had to dance the dance that Health Canada has laid out for the cannabis industry when it comes to mar- keting, Max. MZ: Marketing in this industry is difficult and I know Jordan can speak to this a lot more colourfully than I can. Health Canada is, of course, watching us and there are a lot of advertising restrictions, especially for recreational cannabis. Our advertising is going to be akin to tobacco advertising so promoting the use of cannabis is a big no-no. So, you’ve got to ask how you go about doing that effec- tively. We can’t even show pictures of the plant or the bud, so we’re limited to showing people having a good time without any product in the picture. It’s quite restrictive and what we need to do is be sort of cheeky while at the same time promote ourselves as an all-around wellness brand
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