
“We’ve had the pleasure of working with so many start- ups and we’ve watched their businesses just boom!”

Like anything hands-on, it’s all a labour of love for Tony and his team at Fieldstone Granary.

“Most of our daily challenges involve cleaning the grains to our food grade standard of 99.9 percent food grade purity,” he explained. “We have a great team in the mill that over the years have developed this craft and are able to use all of our equipment to achieve the quality that our customers need. This can involve sizers, gravity tables, air screens, de-stoner and then we have a very fancy optical colour sorter. Basically, if it doesn’t make the grade then it doesn’t make it into our warehouse. We’re a small team, but all of us are really dedicated to Fieldstone and we really believe in what we do. That really helps when you have problems to deal with.” “I guess in organic farming Mother Nature can be your best friend and your worst enemy. Even though Field- stone doesn’t personally farm, we are reliant on the crops from our farmers and therefore we’re hugely effected by the weather. 2017 was a tough year here in BC. With the flooding in the spring and drought in the summer last year we hope that 2018 is a little kinder,” Paula added.



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