
craft beer before.”

Indeed, satisfying moments come to Red Collar when they convert a ‘big-brand’ beer drinker to one of their craft flavours. But like all change where public education and behaviour modification is concerned, patience is a virtue. David explains that merely getting consumers in Kamloops to sample their beer was a long and tedious process. “Back in the 90s with the old brewery, I think we sold only two or three percent to people in Kamloops. It was all sold elsewhere. It was a helluva slog. And slowly it has come around. And social media has made all the difference in the world.” Lara adds that affording a house and living in Vancouver has, in recent years, become more and more economical- ly out-of- reach for many people. The result is, people are heading for the hills (literally, in many cases) and settling in smaller cities and towns. What they bring with them is a big-city lifestyle and a certain expectation of what should be available to them. “We are getting these people who abandoned their big city mortgages and they would tell us ‘we were so happy to get here and find you guys! This is something that I loved about living in Vancouver and now I can get it in Kamloops’.”

So you’ve moved to Kamloops to get away from unreason- able rents and mortgages in Vancouver. You discover the



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