The small City of Lacombe, Alberta, Canada has, in recent days, become an unexpected hotbed of adult-beverage production. Breweries are popping up and distilleries are following right along. It may be less surprising to the locals that the craft distilling and brewing movement is alive and well in a relatively remote location. After all, it is an eclectic city in the heart of Alberta with an early industrial revolution feel in the downtown core, situated right in amongst major agricultural players, and somewhat proximate to Alberta’s major urban centres. The vodka- and gin-producing Old Prairie Sentinel Distillery recognizes the importance of working side-by- side with local industry. As their website professes, “We are all in this together Alberta so stay strong. Support local.” Spotlight on Business Magazine spoke with Owner and Head Distiller Rob Gugin about the distilling scene in Alberta, and how Old Prairie was almost a brewery!
By John Allaire I have a brewing background,” Gugin points out. “I went to school for brewing and then worked at Alley Kat Brewing in Edmonton. I loved my job, but there was a requirement that I move to Edmonton. I had just bought a house on the other side of Red Deer… it became an economic strain to commute, so I ended up taking a job with the government…” Everything comes to those who wait. Gugin bided his time in the public sector for some 16 years. But like many with a dream, he was becoming restless. However, a distillery wasn’t first on his list of potential ventures. “I wanted to get back to doing something I was pas- sionate about. So, I did actually look at starting up a brewery, but there were already a couple of good ones
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