Oxford North - Administrator and ESG Coordinator

About Oxford North

Oxford North is a new innovation district purposefully designed to enable the next century of life-changing discoveries in science and technology With major advances converging like never before, we need spaces that help convert opportunity into reality. We’re introducing a million sq ft of new labs and workspace, surrounded by public parks and amenities, just a 15 minute cycle ride from the city centre.

1 MILLION SQFT labs and workspace 4,500 new jobs

480 new homes

26,000+ SQFT cafes,

Oxford North will be a meeting point and launchpad for ambitious thinkers.

bars & retail

1,500 residents

970 cycle spaces

£700M+ investment

2 A roads 375 EV charging points

100% electric heating & cooling


1,500+ new construction jobs since Aug 2021

3 new public parks

~£150M a year added in GVA

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