American Consequences - April 2021

AMERICAN CONSEQUENCES How to Navigate The Digital Edition

If you’re having trouble navigating your online issue of American Consequences , take a look at the bar below the magazine... Here's what each icon does... Table of contents. This is a list of all the articles in the issue. If you’re looking for a specific article, this is your first stop. Thumbnails. This shows a small image of each page of the issue. Think of it as flipping quickly through the pages of a magazine to find something that jumps out at you. Share us. Like what you read? Share it with your family and friends. And send them to to receive the next issue as soon as it’s published.

Print. You can select the whole magazine, or only the pages you want to print here.

Download. Click here to download the entire magazine in a PDF format. You can also load it on your Kindle or tablet for offline viewing.

Full screen. Eliminate distractions and make the magazine as large as it will go.

Zoom in. Font too small? This will make it bigger, but it also makes it harder to scroll between columns. We’re working on making it more responsive. Stay tuned.


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