Winter 2017 PEG


Second Phase of Permit Dues Increases Takes Effect on July 1, 2018

As you may be aware, APEGA Council approved a change in its permit dues model in December 2016. Permit dues increase with the size of the company, as measured by the number of APEGA Members employed, as per APEGA’s permit files. The Permit Holder dues formula is $500 times the square root of the number of registered APEGA Members employed. Types of Members used in the calculation are Professional Members, Licensees, Professional Licensees, restricted practitioners, Provisional Licensees, Members-in-Training, and exam candidates. The new rate structure is a more equitable reflection of the costs required to regu- late Permit Holders than the one it replaces. In the past, there was one dues amount, no matter the size of Permit Holder. We staggered implementation of the increase to give smaller companies more time to prepare for this change. For Permit Holders employing six or more Members, the increase was effective July 1, 2017. For Permit Holders employing five or fewer Members, however, it is effective July 1, 2018, about six months from now.

To help in this transition, APEGA updated its Company Self-Service Centre (CSSC) to allow the designated Chief Operating Officer on APEGA’s permit file to view and edit the list of APEGA Members employed with the company. A Permit Holder can update its information at any time and is encouraged to keep its permit file current, including names of APEGA Members and Responsible Members, and contact information. A dues estimator also appears in the CSSC, to help you determine how much your company will be paying. To keep Permit Holders informed, APEGA sends its first permit dues notification to Permit Holders 60 days in advance of the due date, allowing the Permit Holder one month to modify its APEGA Member list. At 30 days prior to the due date, APEGA sends the final invoice and then allows the Permit Holder 30 days to make payment.


For permit questions, please email

12 | PEG WINTER 2017

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