Movers & Shakers
CHAMPION FOR CHANGE: GAIL POWLEY, P.ENG., HONOURED WITH U OF A ALUMNI AWARD When she graduated with a chemical engineering degree from the University of Alberta Faculty of Engineering in 1984, Gail Powley, P.Eng. , didn’t set out to become a champion for women in the profession. She just wanted to make a difference — as engineers do. And she wanted to build her career. Turns out, she ended up doing all three. Her efforts have been celebrated with a prestigious University of Alberta Alumni Award. Ms. Powley was among 21 of the school’s most influential alumni recently honoured for their professional achievements, community service, and innovation. Women in the engineering profession were an anomaly when Ms. Powley entered the workforce. About 90 per cent of her colleagues at the time were male. She got used to being the only female engineer on the job site or in the boardroom. Still, she was optimistic that more women would enter the profession and that the numbers would eventually balance out. When that didn’t happen, Ms. Powley decided she could make a difference in another way — as a change
leader. She joined WISEST (Women in Scholarship, Engineering, Science & Technology), a U of A group that empowers women in STEM fields. She helped found WISER (Women in Science, Engineering & Research), BESTT (Bridge for Engineering, Science, and Technology Talent), and MentorUP Alberta. All these groups support under-represented professionals in science and engineering. Her volunteer work with the Alberta Women’s Science Network earned her the Mentor of the Millennium award. In 2011, she was founding chair of the Women in APEGA advisory group, which aims to increase female representation in the engineering and geoscience professions. In this role, she led development of Managing Transitions Before, During and After Leave , a best-practices guide for employees and employers that supports the retention of women after maternity leave. In 2016, the document was adapted and jointly published by Engineers Canada and Geoscientists Canada. Ms. Powley’s work to build a more diverse, inclusive, and innovative work force also earned her the Women in Engineering and Geoscience Champion APEGA Summit Award in 2014.
Gail Powley, P.Eng., receives her 2014 APEGA Summit Award from the APEGA President of the day, Colin Yeo, P.Geo., FGC, FEC (Hon.).
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