Winter 2017 PEG

President's Notebook


We have gained new insights into how the current legislation can be used more effectively. We also have a perspective on how other self- regulating organizations in Alberta are making their legislation work for them, despite their own needs for legislative modernization.

These individuals, together with the rest of our staff, our Council, and our more than 1,500 volunteers, are moving APEGA towards being a stronger and more proactive regulator. IMPROVED PRACTICE REVIEWING APEGA is improving the processes for conducting reviews of Permit Holders and their respective Professional Practice Management Plans (PPMPs). These reviews help ensure that Permit Holders comply with their APEGA requirements and meet their professional responsibilities, along with the requirements and responsibilities linked to other stakeholders and their own organizations. They also enable APEGA to assist those Permit Holders and Responsible Members that need additional clarification and guidance in preparing PPMPs. Efforts are being made to contact more individual Members who have failed to comply with our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program. Even if you have submitted records of your CPD hours, you may also get a letter asking for supporting documentation. Being a strong regulator means holding Members accountable, and this is a big part of that work. It is important to note that APEGA can assist and guide Members who may wish to declare themselves non-practising, or need clarification on what activities constitute CPD hours and how to document them. STANDARDS UPDATING In May, we released a major update of the professional practice standard entitled Evaluation of Oil and Gas Reserves and Resources for Public Disclosure. At the same time, we issued the new Joint Standard to Regulate Professional Responsibilities in Completion and Assurance of Wetland Science, Design and Engineering Work in Alberta. Watch for more updated and new documents. With the participation of volunteers who are experts and experienced in the appropriate practice areas, staff members continue to review,

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