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at the beginning of the 1980s, receiving global recognition for its work, particularly the legendary Apple IIc and Apple Macintosh designs. During this decade, the company changed its name to Frog Design and relocated to Silicon Valley. The acronym FROG is an abbreviation for “Federal Republic of Germany”. Today, the design studio has offices around the globe. www.frogdesign.com GOLDEN RATIO In art and architecture, the Golden Ratio is the ideal ratio among different lengths of an object or a construction to one another. It is considered the epitome of aesthetics and harmony and was used intuitively long before its formula was discovered. It is argued that the Golden Ratio can be found in many works of the Renaissance artists such as Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci and Albrecht Dürer. The Golden Ratio defines the harmonious partition of an object into a shorter and a longer section in the mathematical ratio of b:a = c:b. The ratio of the longer section to the total length is the same as the ratio of the smaller section to the longer one (compare: AXOR Uno). HAPTICS ⁄ HAPTIC Haptics (from Greek “haptikos” = able to touch) is the study of tactile sense. Through touching surfaces and by being touched, living organisms receive various impressions and information. In design, the haptic perception of an object influences our well-being. Our reactions, whether we experience comfort or disgust, a feeling of warmth or coldness, or a sense of ease or irritation, are intuitive and beyond our control. The term goes back to the German psychologist Max Dessoir. He recommended in his publication “Über den Hautsinn” in 1892 to name the study of tactile senses, following terms such as ‘acoustics’ and ‘optics’. The tactile perception of a surface largely determines our emotional relationship to the object, but also our confidence in its ergonomic quality, for example in that of a chair or a musical instrument. Haptic design principles are used in different areas, e.g. in product packaging haptics (form and surface structure), where it is used as an important recognition factor for a brand. A pleasant tactile experience is a decisive product feature, especially for products which are used several times a day (e.g. bathroom faucets). HARMONY ⁄ HARMONIC Harmony (from Latin ⁄ Greek “harmonia”= agreement, concord) is an aesthetic term for the meeting and coexistence of two or more different but matching

parts. These parts complement one another, resulting in a harmonious, balanced appearance. Ideally, all different parts retain their own identity, but join together to form a new unit. In most systems – as in music or color – the individual elements must share a common origin on a deeper level in order to be compatible (such as belonging to the same pitch in music or to the same color category). INDIVIDUALIZATION The term (from Latin “individuum” = individual being) has its origins in sociology, and refers to the increased desire in the West for individuals to construct their own identities during early industrialization and modernization. Though the term is used differently in sociology, psychology and economics, at the core it involves freedom of choice. Trend researchers have described individualization as a mega trend, one which affects value systems, consumption patterns and everyday culture. In the product sector, digital technologies such as 3D-printers, the internet, or programs of configuration create new possibilities for individualization. Websites that allow product configuration for vehicles are absolutely indispensable in this sector. Car buyers customize their cars online; choosing motors, colors and equipment packages. Today, product configuration (or customization) has reached nearly every area of everyday life. Food is assorted with different ingredients (My Muesli) and cosmetics are adjusted to the customer’s special preferences (My Parfum). Individualization aims to fulfil one’s own wishes and desires, allowing them to differ from others and to stand out from the (social) crowd. Interior design individualization – like product design – helps to express unique tastes and exemplifies exclusivity (individuality) (compare: AXOR FinishPlus, AXOR Signiture). INTERIOR DESIGN The aim of interior design is the artistic furnishing and decoration of a room. Interior design includes technical and structural aspects, as well as aesthetic, artistic expression. According to the BDIA (Bund Deutscher Innenarchitekten – Association of German Interior Designers), the legally protected professional title “Innenarchitekt” in Germany defines the tasks of an interior designer as follows: “The creative, technical, economical, ecological and social planning of interior spaces and connected to that, the constructional modifications of buildings.” Besides the technical aspects, the interior designer creates the sensual perception of a room, which conveys relations and meanings that exceed spatial perception. The

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