King's Business - 1963-06

D I V O R C E Is Not The Answer B eing a m in ister ’ s w ife , I am in a position to see the great harm done by divorce. There are times when divorce seems to be the only way out of a difficult marital situa­ tion, but it is actually an evil of our times that has caused the greatest of heartaches and ruined numberless lives. Take Carol and Bob, for instance. It’s true that Bob was a hard man to get along with. He had many pe­ culiarities and was quick-tempered and moody. Carol became pregnant shortly after they were married. With Bob’s moods and her own discomfort, her pregnancy was a hectic one. Carol also had reason to suspect that Bob was unfaithful to her. But after the baby arrived, things seemed to smooth themselves out. Car­ ol returned to work, and she and Bob purchased a new home. Bob was a model father — and the baby, a dar­ ling little girl, worshipped her daddy. Carol, however, was not a good housekeeper. In spite of having a love­ ly new home, it seemed that she could never keep her housework quite caught up. She became irritable. She and Bob began to quarrel again. One day, after a quarrel, she was so angry she packed her belongings, took the baby, and left. While still angry and hurt, she filed for a di­ vorce. Bob begged for another chance. He went to a marriage counselor, but Carol had made up her mind. The divorce became final. But the story doesn’t end there, for one of the saddest parts concerned their baby girl. The child could not adjust herself to spending time with strangers while her mother worked. When Bob took his child on week­ ends, she screamed and begged to stay with him. Bob remarried. Carol found some­ one else to care for her. But what of the child? She is the one who is suf­ fering, tom between father and moth­ er, never able to adjust to one parent until she is taken to the other. Or take Sarah and Joe. Joe had a problem with liquor. He was not a steady drinker, but once in a while he would go on a binge, lose his job, and get into debt. But because Joe was an expert in a skilled field, he could always find another good posi­ tion. Sarah and Joe had two boys, both (continued on next page)

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Send to Prtyer Time, The King's Business maga­ zine, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California.

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