King's Business - 1963-06

Divorce (continued) devoted to their parents. In many re­ spects Joe was a good father. He spent time with his sons, bathed them and put them to bed at night, even though he had worked hard all day long. But Joe’s binges became one too many for Sarah. She was “fed up” and filed for a divorce. Her friends advised her to discuss her problem with a clergyman but she refused. After the divorce, realizing that even with alimony she would not be able to support herself and her children, she decided to marry again. Sarah found out too late that her second husband could not take Joe’s place in her life. Sarah, lives daily with a sorrowing heart. She must also live with the conviction that in the eyes of the Lord she is sinning by taking a second husband while her first is still alive. How can we overcome the problem of divorce? By avoiding the steps that lead to it. The marriage vows are sacred oaths made before God. We must answer to Him if we break them. Many young people go into mar­ riage with the idea, “Well, if this doesn’t work, we can always get a divorce.” Such “trial marriages” have become the curse of our civilization. If all thoughts of divorce are dis­ missed from the mind, then seeming­ ly insurmountable problems become solvable. I knew a couple who had seven children. They had marital problems and were considering a divorce. But after taking all things into considera­ tion, they decided, for the children’s sake, to keep their home together. Now the children are almost grown and the parents are glad of their de­ cision. The children realize that their parents do not have the complete hap­ piness that many parents have to­ gether. But they have a good home, their love is not divided, and though minor frictions sometimes arise, yet there is laughter heard in that home. And those seven children have had the benefit of their parents’ devotion. Often time will remedy a situation — plus prayer. Sticking things out until they straighten out, praying continually, is usually the solution. Weigh the situation you are in at present. Then consider the situation a divorce would create. Your single state wouldn’t be as blissful as you’ve dreamed! Divorce is not the answer to your marital problems. It is a black evil. Think and pray before you marry; then after you are married, don’t even consider a divorce. “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” —Anonymous

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JUNE, 1963

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