Parents died of dis- ease; cared for by grandfather till he died,
Found abandoned on streets; whereabouts of parents unknown.
Father killed by com- . Parents killed In acci- Parents killed during munist guerrillas; dent; cared for short war; cared forby grand-
mother died of disease, time by police chief. CHOOSE AKOREANORPHAN ...FOR PENIES A DAY you can sponsor one o f these lovely children!
mother till she died.
DANIEL Chapter 6
I. Princes
1. 120 in number 2. Responsible for king’s welfare 1. Daniel preferred 2. Reason — spirit of cooperation
II. Preference
III. Plot Pride goeth before destruction 1. Princes looked for failure 2. Jealous of position
3. Deliberate plan to destroy Daniel 4. The plot flattered the king 1. Daniel kept on praying 2. Princes tattled on Daniel 3. King forced to abide by law 4. King comforts Daniel
IV. Prayer
V. Preservation
1. Angels kept Daniel 2. Lions helpless 3. God’s presence real 4. Daniel removed
Psalm 34:7
Myung Soo Brother of Bong Soo.
Mother died of cancer; father killed in accident.
Abandoned by mother; father in leper colony.
Father killed in war; abandoned by mother.
Parents killed by bomb* Ing in Korean war.
VI. Punishment
They’re all different, yes, but they all have the same urgent need, a sponsor —someone like you to become a “Mommy,” “Daddy,” “Big Brother” or “Big Sister” to them. For only $10 a month (that’s about 30 cents a day) you, or perhaps a friend who would like to share the cost with you, may provide food, shelter, clothing and education for an orphan. And more, you give a child the opportunity to grow up in the loving care of dedicated Korean Christians. R E L A T I O N S H I P IS R E A L The “adoption” relationship is very real to you, too. The orphan you sponsor becomes your very own. You will receive photo and life story. The child, if old enough, will
1. Princes thrown in den 2. Wives thrown in den 3. Children thrown in den 4. A ll eaten before they touched bot tom 1. It pays to serve God 2. Christian is untouchable as long as God has work for him. CHRIST ENTHRONED The government shall be upon his shoul der. Isaiah 9:6 Let the government of your life be placed upon the shoulder of Him who is Wonderful. I. Because Jesus Christ Is Your Kinsman 1. By His humanity He has given every one of us a chance to make Him King. II. Because His Character Demands It 1. He is Wonderful: in Him the most marvelous extremes meet 2. He is Counsellor: He will not mis lead thee. 3. He is the Mighty God: Mighty to save and keep. 4. He is the Everlasting Father: the Lord of all #ges. 5. He is the Prince of Peace: Shiloh, the tranquilizer. III. Because the Father Has Already En throned Him 1. He who can rule heaven can do well for you. What is your reply to this claim of Christ? Abandon everything that grieves Him, and crown Him Lord of all! — F. B. Meyer LESSON:
write to you, acknowledge your interest, and continue a most interesting correspondence. The joy and thrill of this ministry will be a blessing to your heart. If the child is not able to write, one of the staff will do so. N e e d lor Sponsors I s We urge that you act today. Do what your compassion ate heart tells you to do— n o w ! An eager, trusting or phan awaits word that someone inAmerica really cares.
C O M P A S S IO N ... Caret for more than 18,500 Korean orphans, including chil dren of lepers; deaf, dumb and blind children. M aintains 172 orphanages, supervised by Bible-believing staff and board of directors. Serves more than 23,000,000 meals each year. Awarded highest recognition by the Korean government.
"Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.’’—Luke 6:36
L A R G E S T W O R K O F IT S K IN D IN K O R EA CLIP ANS MAIL TODAYl_______________________
□ Yee, I want to sponsor an orphan. M y choice is Number_________ If this child has been chosen when this arrives, I agree to sponsor a similar child. I prefer □ Boy, □ Girl □ Age. W ith God’s help I will send $10 a month to Chicago office. Please send my child’s name, picture, address and F U LL P AR TICULAR S. I under stand I may discontinue at any time. Enclosed is support for Q first month, Q one year. □ I cannot sponsor a child now but want to help a child by giving $ □ Please send folder, “ Information About Sponsoring Korean Orphans.’’
E V E k F IT S W A N S O N , Founder and Director Name ____________________________
Address- City
-Zone- State _ Gifts of any amount are welcome. All gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. C O M P A S S I O N (BN Event! Swanson Evangelistic Ass*., I k .) An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation— EsL 1952 DepL|i3 . 7774InrlngParkRl,Chicage34,IB. PI mm (5H11I
JU N E , 1963
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