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bound. It contains many beautifully- drawn illustrations, making the book suitable as a gift to a child. The piano accompaniments have been simplified to fit the ability of a young pianist. This would make the hymnal very suitable in a Junior Church, where all of the leadership is taken by children. The choice of hymns is quite good. There are several adaptations from oratorios and cantatas. The fact that many of the texts are set to new times might be a limiting factor in some situations. It would be helpful to have more stanzas for some of the hymns. For many hymns only one stanza has been printed. The price is a bit high when com pared with other hymnals, but it should be remembered that with the beautiful color illustrations, this is more than an ordinary hymnbook. It could be used as an excellent learning device for a small child in both home and church. Every Christian educa tion director, youth minister, and par ent should see this fine hymnal. It contains excellent material presented in a most imaginative manner. 196 pages; cloth, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.95. — Reviewed by Marvin Mc- Kissick, Director of Music Depart ment, Biola College. God's Tabernacle in Israel's Wilderness Journey The Law Prophesied By R. H. Mount, Jr. The above two titles are related, the second being a supplement to the first. Twenty years ago, as a young Christian engineer, the author became interested in the tabernacle from the standpoint of its construction. He has constructed four modfels, and one of them is, to his knowledge, the only one ever to be constructed of the ori ginal genuine materials throughout: real gold, silver, brass, shittim wood, etc. The metals, for the most part, were melted down from jewelry and articles contributed for the purpose. It is built to a scale of 1 in. to 1 cubits (based on an 18 in. cubit). The first volume is devoted almost entirely to the construction, while the second deals with the symbolic meanings involved. Both are profusely illus trated with drawings. T H E K IN A 'S BUSINESS
He Came With Music By Helen Frazee-Bower
Included in this attractive volume are ninety-nine choice poems from the pen of the late talented and dedi cated Helen Frazee-Bower. A clear index indicates sixteen, general divi sions of subjects, four of which com prise poems designed for Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year. As is true of all of Mrs. Bower’s verse, these poems are deeply spiritual, they contain true poetic thought, and they are of accurate metrical structure. She has employed a number of forms of versification, not omitting the lovely Elizabethan sonnet which lends itself so beautful- ly to brief, one-theme poems. Under lying the verses, and interwoven with them, is sound evangelical teaching of salvation through Christ’s death on the cross, His deity, His resurrec tion, and His Second Coming. Some of Mrs. Bower’s line are pro found: “The ways we wander lead so far afield, The dreams we follow are but moths in flight, There is no harvest that the heart can yield Apart from Thee, that will withstand time’s blight” (p. 52) Some lines are filled with compas sion: “Let me rejoice—but never let me be So much in love with joy that I for get The tears that fell in dark Gethse- mane” (p. 51) Other lines are exquisite: “Choose a very tiny tree With a single star There was one that other night Shining bright and far” (p. 84) All are moving and profitable for any Christian anywhere and this would be a worth-while gift book for any occasion. 96 pages; hard card board cover; Moody Press, Chicago; $1.95. The Children's Hymnbook Compiled and Edited by Wilma Vander Boon This is a children’s hymnal of un usual quality, nicely printed and
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