King's Business - 1963-06

Mr. Mount is not a theologian, but he has made a penetrating study of this subject from the Bible, and pro­ ceeds upon the theory that no inter­ pretation of the tabernacle can pro­ ceed correctly without a correct con­ ception of its construction. He differs from most people in the way they have visualized the hangings and the coverings. His is a tent-shaped top, with flaps extending outward, and pegged, much like the sides, of a regular tent. This leaves a space be­ side the boards that is protected from the weather. Here he believes the boy Samuel slept. Postage stamps of the State of Is­ rael are studied by the author and he finds a number of interesting things in them indicative of Biblical truth. We can expect more from, his pen along this line in the future. The Zodiac set and, the lampstand stamp are pictured in the second vol­ ume. He holds the Zodiac was God’s first revelation ( “Let there be lights in the firmament . . . and let them be for signs*” Gen. 1:24). This reve­ lation he believes was corrupted by astrologers. The reader will find these works most fascinating and enlight­ ening, even though he may not ac­ cept every interpretation. 93 and 57 pages; paper; the author, Mansfield, Ohio; $5.00 for the two, plus a chil­ dren’s version of the former. BOOK ENDS (A Review of Current Publications) A C A L V IN TR EA S U R Y: SELECTIONS FROM IN ­ S TITU TE S OF T H E C H R IS TIA N RELIGION edited by William F. Keesecker. v, 152 pages; cloth; Harper & Bros., New York; $3.50. Over five hundred selections from Calvin's great doctrinal treatise arranged under more than 400 key topics for quick reference. Good for pastor or layman. References are given for each quotation. TH E T E N C O M M A N D M EN TS Y ES TER D A Y A N D T O D A Y by James Burton Coffman. The author is pastor of the Manhattan Church of Christ in New York City. Every treatment of this «im­ portant subject has something to offer. This one proceeds on the level of a very practical ex­ position, appealing to reason and based on Scrip­ ture. Work at the Library of Congress provided wide reading opportunities for the background to this study. B U C K W H E A T SUM M ER by Ruth Unrau. 143 pages; cloth; Herald Press, Scottdale, P».; $2.75. A novel growing out of an actual experience on a midwestern farm in which a summer's crops were hailed out. A wholsesome story of family and neighbor intrigue and personal problems of a farm girl. CH R ISTM AS CHIM ES IN R H YM E by Ralph W . Seager. 32 pages; paper over boards* Judson Press, Valley Forge, Pa.; $2.50. The gift-type of book, neatly bound in soft colors. Sixteen poems present intimate glimpse of the manger and cradle wonders. P R IM A R Y W O R SH IP PROGRAMS by June R. Chapman. 64 pages; paper: Zondervan Publish­ ing House, Grand Rapids; $1.00. Nine programs worked out to provide the skeleton and a full story for the devotional message. Covers the chief special days of the year and "a fifth Sun­ day. Recommended books are available from the Biola Book Rooms, 560 South Hope Street , Los Angeles; 121 W est W ilson Glendale; and on the La Mirada Campus . Handy modi order j service is also available . Free descrip­ tive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request.

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JU N E , 1963

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