H ebe is a portion of a letter re ceived from a troubled reader: “May I ask a question about a group that just recently came to my atten tion called ‘The Church of World Messianity’? They claim they are able to heal people of disease by a process they call ‘JOHREI’. This group has all the earmarks of a false cult. I went to their meeting at which there were about twenty-five persons of all ages present. A young man talked about JOHREI and all the good it had done for some people, also reading excerpts from a booklet that told about the movement. I am sending you some excerpts from this book. After about an hour of this, they got down to the business of the evening which was to JOHREI each other. I was invited to partake of this ‘Divine Light’ but I refused. I spent my time there silently praying for these deluded people. Afterwards one of them came to me and this was my opportunity to ask a few questions of my own. I asked if she believed the Bible and she said ‘Yes.’ I asked, ‘Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ?’ but she hedged and gave a long explanation but she did not say ‘Yes.’ A Japanese woman is the real leader who conducts classes after which each member receives his ‘Divine Focal Point.’ Tell me what you can about this cult.” I wrote the Los Angeles headquar ters of this group, asking for a doc trinal statement, but received no re ply. Perhaps some of you readers have information about them which would be helpful to this lady. I shall be glad to forward any literature to her. From the material she sent, I judge this to be another Oriental import, given to ontology and obsessed with auras, vi brations, physical and spiritual bodies, “universal energy,” “Masters,” etc. The cult originates in Japan, founded by Meishu-sama, called their “sancti fied spiritual leader.” Obviously it is non-Christian, containing no Gospel whatsoever, and, under the guise of healing the sick, will lead men and women into spiritual darkness. Why are our people so susceptible to these influences? This cult strikingly re sembles the I AM system.
Assume that you bought stocks in recent years at a cost of $1000.00.
By reason of inflation, etc., they are now worth $3000.00.
If the stocks are sold, the profit of $2000.00 (difference between the above $3000.00 present value and the $1000.00 cost) would bo taxed at capital gain rates running up to 2 5% or $500.00 on this profit.
It the stocks instead are given to Hole, a Christian organization, then the donor's income fax deduction Is the entire current value of the property, $3000.00, oven though his cost was only $t 000.00.
0 io la V e c e ip t / 3 0 0 0 ^ NOTAX _
Tlw law allows this liberal result la order to encourage contributions. The donor is oicusod from paying tax on the above gain of $2000.00 and his reward is a $3000.00 income tax deduction oven though the property cost him only $1000.00. (The same rule would apply to any property, for example, land, jewelry, etc. which had increased in value.)
STEWARDSHIP DEPARTMENT The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California □ I am interested in more information about Biola and its diversified ministries. Q I would like to know more about how I can give to Biola and gain tax reductions. NAME .................. .................................... .......................................................... ADDRESS .............................................. .,............................................ ............... . C IT Y ................. ...................... ..................... S T A T E ...........................................
JUNE, 1963
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