3Urgent Pleas... “Send Us Gospels” ■
Science and the Bible by Bolton Davidheiser Chairman, Science Division Biola College , TONGUES npHE “ tongues movement ” is gain- ing heathen people possessed with de- _ ing and is even receiving notice mons, Dr. Merrill Unger says, “They in the secular press. Many people be- sometimes converse in foreign lan- lieve that the experience of speaking guages, of which in their natural con- in a language with which they are dition they are totally ignorant, not familiar can come only as a gift Prayer in the name of Jesus is the of the Holy Spirit and that it is a effectual remedy, some victims being sign of merit. It is not out of place delivered very readily, others with to consider here whether it can have difficulty — more earnest interces- another origin. We may know that sion with fasting being necessary in the phenomenon is not a gift of the some stubborn cases.” Spirit of God when it has a natural Blasphemous utterences. T h e r e explanation, when it is practiced by have been instances where a person non-Christians, or when persons hav- spoke in a tongue unknown to him- mg the experience utter things which self, feeling he was experiencing a are vile or blasphemous. gift from the Holy Spirit, only to be Cases explained naturally . Since told by someone who understood the many people have a very strong de- language that he was uttering vile sire to have a “tongues experience,” things or blasphemies, and considering the techniques which Some people think that if the name are sometimes employed to aid them of God is used the possibility of dia- m achieving this, it is not surprising bolic activity is eliminated, but this that senseless babblings sometimes is not true. There are records of many pass as the gift of tongues. cases where the name of God or the There have been cases where some- Trinity is used in connection with one spoke naturally a foreign lan- diabolic manifestations, guage with which he was familiar, A man who visited a “tongues” and someone present, who did not meeting found men and women lying realize that the other was speaking about the floor in all sorts of positions naturally, “interpreted.” Although speaking in tongues. Someone took the one who ‘interpreted” was sup- hold of him and said “Holy Ghost, posedly guided by the Holy Spirit, we command Thee to go into this the interpretation was very different soul.” At this he fell upon the floor from the real meaning of the words, and knew nothing for some hours This'has brought some disrepute to When he came to his senses, he was thA/m°^lm-ent' , . weak and his )aws ached. He was Non-Christians speaking in tongues, told that he had been wonderfully Speaking in tongues has been prac- blessed. He was sent to other churches ticed by the Mormons and by Spirit- where he spoke in tongues while un- lsts. If there is a doubt in anyone’s conscious and was told that as he mmd as to whether the Holy Spirit spoke people fell on their faces, say- would bestow such a gift upon the ing, “Yes, Lord,” “We will, Lord.” former, there should be no doubt ait He himself later became convinced all about the latter. that it was not of the Lord. Peter Freuchen spent most of his Much immorality and scandal have adult life among the Eskimos in accompanied these manifestations. Dr. northern Greenland. He was not a Repben A. Torrey said, “. . . the missionary and was not particularly movement as a whole has apparently interested in spiritual things. He tells developed more immorality than any that when the water supply became other modem movement except spir- bad, the medicine man announced itism, to which it is so closely allied that he would visit the demons to in many ways.” find out what was the matter. During Although we know from Scripture the ceremony which accompanied that the Holy Spirit has given to some Uns, the white man was surprised to the gift of tongues, it is evident that find tke Eskimos speaking in tongues. speaking in tongues is not in itself There are on record a multitude of proof of this gift. On the contrary, the authentic cases of heathen people evidence which we have is of such speaking in languages unknown to a sort that people should avoid asso- them, accompanied by various evi- ciation with the modem tongues dences of demon possession. Concern- movement.
r oo Ti®eds
foifinAfnerieaE j ™ Tl PS GosPels must be rushed to Chile. Millions o f still needed fo r South America campaigns.
Pray daily fo r this ministry. “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word o f God.” i. Edward Smith, Executive Director Alfred A. Kunz, International Director Emeritus PocketTestament League« 49 Honeck Street, Englewood, New Jersey Canada: 74 Crescent Road, Toronto 5, Ontario J. Edward Smith, International director Alfred A. Hum, International Director Emeritus OFFSET / LETTERPRESS / FULL COLOR EDITORIAL/ART/LAYOUT/PHOTOGRAPHY CHURCH PRESS 3900 San Fernando Rd., Glendale M nnufarluri-rN nf Tli<> K ing’« lln in n DISCOUNT BOOKS "The BEST for LESS" in Evangelical Books SAVINGS UP TO 50% WR ITE TO D A Y for special list at “ discount house" prices! We PAY the Postage DISCOUNT BOOKS Box 3 3 7K , Alloway, N.J. Specialists inbooklets and periodicals — Largest Christian printing house on the West Coast.
JUNE, 1963
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