King's Business - 1963-06

T R A I N I N G w ith P U R P O S E d i v e r s i f i e d a c c e l e r a t e d NURSING

SPECIAL NOTICE: W e regret that the report in a r e c e n t issue of t h e ALUMNI NEWS concerning Sidney and Dorothy (Cornell ’34) Best was misleading. The Bests are home on furlough, but they are mot “ former” missionaries to Japan. In fact, they plan to return to their field in Japan in August, the Lord willing. Mr. Best is employed at the Biola Hotel only for a time during, his furlough. The Bests covet your prayers as they continue their preparations to return to Japan. Beth (Mahon ’28) Visser and her hus­ band are serving the Lord in Jamestown, St. Helens Island, South Atlantic Ocean. “ The church in which we work is over one hundred years old (and last year part of the front fell, making the entrance un­ safe). Now the people are encouraged to pray, asking the Lord to supply all that will be needed to put the church in good repair. W e are looked down upon and are not in the same class as The Church as the Anglican Church is called.” Patricia Major ’42, Maharashtra, India: “ Recently, a religious teacher, speaking in a temple across the road from me, taught the people that Jesus is another name for their god . . . and that all religions have the same ideals . . . Missionary work is a battle with unseen powers of darkness. . . . Pray.” Ben ’42 and Adelle (Ottoson ’42) Elson, Mexico: “ Being in the office of the Wy- cliffe Translators, we have the privilege of seeing how the Lord is working in the Indian villages all over Mexico. The first believers have come to the Lord in the Lalana Chinantec group . . . and there are persecutions . . . The New Testament in Mazateco is beginning to sell slowly. Pray for the many needs.” Paula Wiebe ’36, Uruguay, South America: “Within the housing area near­ by we began a work among the children . . . but there have been many problems. . . . One day when Mr. Gomez wait, there were no children . . . because some­ one from another group had forbidden their coming . . . Finally, the parents begged Mr. Gomez to come to teach and told him they would send their children. Pray for them.” Carol Harding ’AA, Colombia: “ There seems to be a real revival in several areas in the rural sections . . . Pray for the national pastors, some of whom seem to lack in spiritual growth . . . The chief of the Cuna Indians said that he and his council-men would like to accept die Christian faith . . . but in their ignorance they returned to chanting to their god.” June Radcliff ’55, Palmer, Alaska: “ Im­ mediately after our fire, work was begun on the main building of the Lazy Moun­ tain Home and a cottage to be constructed. . . . Recently they were completed . . . As the Lord leads, we hope to add more cottages and increase the capacity for car­ ing for needy children. Now we have 27 boys and girls.”

Courses for 4, 8 or 12 months. Classroom, laboratory and hospital instructions and experience. The 12-month course qualifies the graduate to take the California State Board Examination and obtain the L V N Classes start in September and January. DENTISTRY

Four-month course. Approved by State of California Board of Dental Examiners, Department of Voca-1 tional and Professional Standards. Offered in one semester. Practical training in missionary dentistry. Doctors of Dental Science instruct classes and laboratory work. Classes start in January. DISPENSARY Four-month course. Gives training in laboratory analysis and clinical practice. Instruction on how to set 'up a dispensary and how to deal intelligently common ailments. Classes start in January.

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MISSIONARY MEDICINE 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.


CHRISTIAN RETREAT 18750 Carbon Canyon Road, Placentia, California

- Camp and Conference Grounds — Open Year Round — — Only Minutes Away — Specialize Small Groups — — Retreats - Picnics — Banquets — Workshops — Meetings — r — Camps — Conferences and Hayrides — Write to above address for full details or phone 528-7779 ________________ “A PLACE OF PEACE AND REST”



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