FIELD REPRESENTATIVE APPOINTED FOR ARIZONA Mr. Merv Fishback has been ap pointed by the Board of Directors of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., as Field Representative for Ari zona, to assist in the over-all public relations program of Biola’s Arizona Bible Institute in Phoenix. Assigned to the Stewardship De partment of the half - century - old Christian training organization, Mr. Fishback will begin his work in the local area, pending his graduation in June from Biola College. He is a
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Loyalty to the truths of the historic Christian Gos pel is the paramount aim and major strength of Regular Baptist Press Sunday School Literature.
Our literature is evangelistic In its appeal, urging the sinner to repent and_ believe the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is missionary in intent, stressing our Lord’s command to go andpreach the gospel to every crea ture. You will find it to be Baptistic, written by bom again, Bible-believ- ing Baptists. Baptist distinctives are woven into our whole-counsel curriculum. Presently, many non- Baptist churches are using our lit erature. Why? They desire a lit erature with a definite doctrinal approach. “ Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them : for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee" (1 Tim. 4:16). Here is the reason we stress doctrine—God has command ed i t Our curriculum includes six de partments—Beginner through Adult —and is graded departmentally for most effective presentation. We urge you to act now—fill in, clip and mail the coupon below for your free sample packet CUP coupon ” ”
Doctrinal Statement •Verbal Inspiration •Trinity of the God-head, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit • Personality of Satan_ • Genesis Account of Creation •Original Sin •The Virgin Birth • The Blood Atonement • The New Birth • Justification by Faith • Local Church Autonomy • Baptismby Immersion •Com memorative Lord’s Supper • Security of the Believer • Resurrection of the Body • Pre-millennial Returnof Christ • Millennial Reign of Christ • Judgment • Hell—Eternal Torment •Heaven—Eternal Glory.
Rev. Ray Weiskopf ( left) , director of Biola Stewardship Department, welcomes Mr. Fishback to the staff. M r. A l Sanders, Biola V ice President of Public Relations, looks on. member of Delta Epsilon Chi, the Christian scholarship honor society, and serves as president of the Senior Class of 1963. Mr. Fishback, following service in the Air Force during the Korean con flict, worked in sales and public re lations with the Proctor and Gamble Company prior to his enrollment in Biola. During his college training, he has served as a minister of youth and a pastor. With his wife Phyllis and two children, he now resides in Whit tier, where the family attends the ' Bethany Baptist Church. BIOLA QUAR TET SUMMER TOUR 1963 CHURCH DATE OR ORGAN IZATION June 8 Orange County Youth for Christ Long Beach, California June 9 Hesperia Community A .M . Church Hesperia, California P.M. Grace Brethren Church San Bernardino, California June 11 Las Vegas Bible Church Las Vegas, Nevada June 12 Church of the Open Door Reno, Nevada
■ Not necessary bat U you wish . . . I I , j I i n * - 1 (Church or Sunday school position)
(Church name) D EPT. 8 2 0 . S U IT E 1 2 4 6 . 6 0 8 S O U T H D E A R B O R N ST.. C H IC A G O 5 . IL L IN O IS June 23 Tucson or Phoenix, A.M . Arizona area P.M. Bethany Bible Church Phoenix, Arizona June 25 Tucson, Arizona area June 26 East Side Baptist Church Tucson, Arizona June 27 Ray, Arizona area June 28 First Baptist Church Ray, Arizona June 29 Loma Del Rey Baptist Church Albuquerque, New Mexico June 30 Las Vegas Bible Chapel A .M . Las Vegas, New Mexico P.M. First Conservative Baptist Church Albuquerque, New Mexico
June 13 First Congregational Church Grass Valley, California June 14 Chico-Sacramento area June 15“ Sacramento area June 16 Central Baptist Church A .M . Sacramento, California P.M. Arcade Baptist Church Sacramento, California June 17 Hume Lake June 18 Hume Lake June 19 Hume Lake June 20 Belleview Baptist Church Bakersfield, California June 21 Blythe, California area June 22 Mesa Truth for Youth Mesa, Arizona
JUNE, 1963
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