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eration for Christ can only result in a continuance of excessive juvenile crime. Deputy Inspector Conrad S. Jensen, w hose jurisdiction has included some of N ew Y o r k ’ s toughest neighbor hoods, offered three practical t h i n g s that might be done about j u v e n i l e crime: “(1) W e can admit that ju- Inspector Jensen venile crime is the result of the poor example set by adults; (2) As adults we can break with ‘accepted’ behav iour and begin to practice some ‘old- fashioned’ morality; and (3) When our youngsters get into trouble, we can stop making excuses for them and try to help them.” Dr. Robert A . Cook, president of the National Association of Evangelicals, recently stated that Americans need ligion.” Dr. Cook said he favors ex change of visits that can lead to a better understanding between people, but that “no one should be naive enough to believe that the Soviet government would permit these lead ers of the officially recognized church es to travel outside the Iron Curtain if it were not sure of their social and political views.” Dr. Cook Dick Rots, president of World Wide Pictures, will be the speaker at the closing banquet of a three-day school of evangelistic writing which will be conducted this summer under the sponsorship of DECISION magazine, monthly publication of The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. The purpose of the school is “to challenge young writers to express imaginative ly their basic loyalty to Jesus Christ, and to implement their desire to win others to Him through the finest pos sible use of literary media.” Appli cations may be obtained by writing to The Dean, School of Christian Writ ing, 1300 Hannon Place, Minneapolis 3, Minnesota. to take an objective look at the visit of 16 leading Russian churchmen to t h e United States “so that their presence among us will not cause us to think subconsciously that the Soviet govern ment h a s relaxed its opposition to re
Annie Befhke ’19, pioneer missionary to the mountain folk of Kentucky, has gone home to be with the Lord. For over forty years she had endured the rigors of that difficult pioneer field. In spite of the early opposition of the people, she won their love and trust by her kindnesses and sacrificial service to them. The Kentucky Moun tain Mission was organized to support her after she was graduated from the Bible Institute. She retired from the field in 1958. Dr. Clyde W . Taylor, well - known evangelical missionary leader, h a s sounded a warning to the public against getting “bilked” by fake re-
Old Biblu* rebound. A price, binding end style to meet every need. All types of binding, rebinding. W rite for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Book binding Co., Greenwood, Mississippi. Scofield Bible — Retail and Wholesale — All Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thumb Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 Main Street. Hamburg, New York. RELIGIOUS BOOKS PURCHASED — Any size library. Send list, or write for details. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. Help Wanted Christian non-profit organization needs staff workers. Single or married. Board, room, com pensation. Write P.O. Box 202, Seattle 11,'Wash. tiding business needs Christian management help. General Manager, Certified Public A c c o s t ant; Sales Manager & Shop Superintendent Fiberglass knowledge helpful. Muele Correct and singable hymn music composed, ar ranged, edited and printed. Folders free. Ray mond (den (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio. Low Cost Radio Tim e for your tape recorded programs. Gospel Radio Network, 1520 East Main, Puyallup, Washington. SPECIALIZATION — write for free catalog— Biola School of Missionary Medicine 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles-17, Calif. lo id e n t ify yo u rse lf when w riting a d v e r t is e r s , simply mention "K ing 's Bu s ine ss ." (set helpful advertisement, inside front cover) B L A N K Please enter my subscription to Christianity Today as follows: □ 2 years— $8 — send Leather Edition Edition □ 1 year— $5 — - send me the Cloth Edition Name ------------------------------- Address --------------------------- C it y ------------------------------------- State ------------ --------------------------------------------------------------- Gift Subscription Order Form: "Every gift subscription includes a free Bible. Please enter a gift subscription for: • send Leather Edition send Cloth Edition □ 2 years— $8 □ 1 year— $5 ■ O R D E R Zone .
1i g i o u s charities. Serving as execu tive secretary of the Evangelical F o r eign Missions As sociation, Dr. Tay lor urged an inves tigation of these or ganizations to see if they are reliable and ethical. Sev eral instances have
Dr. Taylor
been reported where self-seeking in dividuals have set up a missionary organization or religious charity to raise funds and then used them for their own advantage. Agencies which belong to either EFMA or the Inter denominational Foreign Missions As sociation are evangelical in charac ter and have the highest ethical standards. Wilbur Nelson, who is celebrating the 19th anniversary of his radio
b ro a d c a s t, “The M o rn in g Chapel Hour,” has organ ized the Metropoli tan Bible Church in Compton, Cali fornia. Services are being held in the Pathfinder C l u b Auditorium until a site is secured for the new church. It
Rev. Nelson
is expected that the formal organiza tion will be completed next month. Judge Edward J. Griffiths of Philadel phia states that he believes that youths who resort to violence in crime are generally devoid of all religious, ethical or moral principles. The rea son for such a situation is that the Christian community and church have failed to reach them or their parents with Christian ideals. He warned that our failure to reach this present gen
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