CWU UA FY20 Impact Report


Because of donors like you, the College of the Sciences (COTS) has had a year full of achievement. Without your commitment, we would not have been able to go above and beyond our goals. In this report, you will find highlights of the successful 2019-2020 year for the College of the Sciences. We are looking forward to another great academic year with your continued support. College of the Sciences

Donor Support

Current-Use Funds

Student Spotlight

“ It is difficult to express how grateful I am for your support of my studies, but the best way is to just say: Thank you! As the youngest child in my family, first to go to college, and having parents that own a small business, I didn’t know how I was going to pay for college. Your support is making my future possible and will impact the lives of our next generation(s).


Endowed Scholarships

Caleb Mortensen Chemistry, Class of 2022


Grand Total: $319,107

Top Accomplishments*

David Hernández-Uribe, former geological Sciences student, and Dr. Chris Mattinson, Geological Science, co-authored paper, Phase Equilibrium Modeling and Implications for P-T Determinations of Medium-Temperature UHP Eclogites, North Qaidam terrane, China, was recognized by Journal of Metamorphic Geology as among the top 10% most downloaded papers in the 12 months following publication.

Dr. Brandy Wiegers, mathematics, was named a 2020 recipient of the Mathematical Association of America’s Henry L. Alder Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Beginning College or University Mathematics Faculty Member. CWU is one of just three universities nationwide to have more than one award winner on faculty (Dr. Dominic Klyve won in 2016).

*Additional college accomplishments can be found on pages 22 and 23.

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