CWU UA FY20 Impact Report


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Unite Stakeholders Around a Compelling Vision

Establish philanthropic partners and priorities while maintaining campaign readiness.

As students are central to our mission, we focused on access, opportunity, and engagement in the following ways:

• Funding scholarships • Food sustainability and housing needs funding

• Bridge program funding for transfer students

Efforts to support CWU as an institute of distinction include Transformational Teaching and Learning through:

• Industry-embedded classroom experiences • Multicultural and international programming • College student- success centers • Library refurbishments

• Study abroad, experiential learning, and conference funding • Campus-wide technology upgrades identified by institutional stakeholders as top priorities

This year’s Students First Fund focused on institutional priorities putting students' needs first:

• Student Success—Support the success of Central students by giving to both endowed and current use scholarships, which also helps support critical needs. • Faculty Excellence—Invest in faculty excellence by creating funding for

professional development, endowments for a chaired position. • Community Engagement—

Support the ability to improve community engagement at Central in current and future endeavors.

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