NRMA Welcome Aboard Guidebook

The Department / N-Codes Explained

N00 Command & Staff

NRMAExecutiveDirector (ED) SusanW. Carey The Executive Director (ED) is the principal advisor to the REGCOM for business programming, planning, budgeting, and requirements. The ED is the senior civilian advisor and the bottom-line authority for all business-related items and civilian personnel.

N00, often referred to as the Front Office, collectively serves as the principal technical experts and advisors to the Region Commander (REGCOM). The core service is to provide specialized expertise, planning, and oversight. N00 enables programs and installations to execute in accordance with all policy and direction. N00 includes the Chief of Staff, Executive Director, Command Master Chief, Command SpecialAssistants (InspectorGeneral, PublicAffairs, Legal, andReligious Programs), Administration Program, Protocol Office, Security Manager, Admiral’s support staff, Installation Commanding Officers (ICOs) and staff and command support staff. N00 is a diverse program of command and support civilians and active- dutymilitary at the Region and Installations.  Leadership

NRMAChief of Staff (COS) Captain BradleyN. Rosen

The Chief of Staff (COS) is the principal advisor to the REGCOM for operational activities and requirements and serves as the Commanding Officer for staff enlisted personnel. TheCOSalsoassumescommand in theabsence of the REGCOM.

NRMACommndMasterChief CMDCMJustinGray The Command Master Chief (CMDCM) functions as the principal enlisted advisor to NRMA pertaining to morale and welfare of all enlisted personnel assigned to Navy installationswithin NRMA.

 Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic RearAdmiral CharlesW. Rock Region Commander (REGCOM) is the Flag Officer for the Region. The REGCOM has final authority in all region business including administrative, financial, and legal matterswithin the region’s area of responsibility.

InstallationCommandingOfficer (ICO) The InstallationCommndingOfficer (ICO) is at the helmof each installation and is accountable to the REGCOM for daily operations at the base. ICOs integrate the various services and programs provided at the installation, ensuring readiness, mission performance, safety, and security.

Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Employee Guide | 13

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